Me and My Computing Device

Nurgul Ozturk
3 min readJun 7, 2024


Let me paint you a picture of me and my computing device, hanging out together in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s not just a gadget; it’s my loyal sidekick, my window to the world, and my gateway to endless possibilities. From the moment I wake up, my device is right there with me, ready to dive into the day’s adventures. Together, we scroll through the latest news, check emails, and plan out the day ahead.

Just the other day, I took a trip down memory lane at the American History Museum and was blown away by how much computers have changed over the years. I was standing in front of a display that showed everything from those massive machines that filled entire rooms to the sleek devices we now carry in our pockets. The evolution of computing is nothing short of incredible.

Going from early computers to today’s devices isn’t just about tech getting better. It’s also about convenience and accessibility. What used to need a whole room can now be held in the palm of your hand. It’s amazing how far we’ve come in using the power of computing to make our lives easier.

Back in the day, computing was all about these huge, room-sized machines that took up tons of space and used a crazy amount of power. Those early giants were pretty limited in what they could do — mostly just basic calculations — and they didn’t have the user-friendly interfaces we’re so used to now.

But look at us now! Modern devices are all about miniaturization and efficiency. We’ve got smartphones that fit in our hands and laptops we can take anywhere. These tiny gadgets pack a serious punch with their processing power and versatility. They offer everything from high-speed internet and multimedia capabilities to advanced software applications. Plus, with intuitive user interfaces and sleek designs, they’ve become essential parts of our daily lives, helping us stay connected, productive, and entertained wherever we go.

Thinking back on my visit to the history museum, I’m filled with awe at the incredible advancements we’ve seen. From those room-filling machines to the powerful, portable devices we use every day, the evolution of computing technology has completely transformed our lives. These modern marvels, with their unmatched convenience and accessibility, have revolutionized how we connect, work, and play, making what once seemed unimaginable a part of our everyday reality. My trusty device isn’t just a piece of technology — it’s a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless drive to keep moving forward.

Hope you enjoyed this little stroll down memory lane with me and my device. It’s amazing to think about how much our tech has changed, and I can’t wait to see what comes next!

Feel free to leave a comment or share your tech memories below. Until next time!



Nurgul Ozturk

I am passionate about leveraging cloud technology to drive innovation and create value for businesses and organizations.