
Nuriddinova Nuriya
3 min readOct 8, 2017



Can the idea of global citizenship affect the ways in which the world manages migration flows:

The transition of 20th century into new era is defined as an age of globalization, capitalist world, the interdependence and interconnectedness of societies, markets and states. This process directly influenced our opportunities, possibilities, duties and responsibilities as citizens in relation to the state and across territorial boundaries. These duties and opportunities created a perception of what we can do as global citizens, thinking and acting out of the state boundary. Throughout history different events influenced people in defining themselves as cosmopolitans or world citizens, understanding the mutual dependence and cooperation in building peace and stability to their home country and the globe as whole.

International Intergovernmental Organizations prompting peace, stability, equality and human rights are not very successful in their mission. Beside the very widespread view of further development into the world government, the experience of international organization has shown that it the mission failure. The failure of global government can be explained in term of realistic approach since all the state in international arena act in the interest of their own nation states. However, all of the states are today facing the common problems like terrorism, global climate change, refugee crises etc. States are acting sometimes cooperatively due to the communicability of challenges. Refugee crises is one of the most prevalent issue of today’s world. The number of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers leaving their home countries because of necessity on security, stability and economic necessity is increasing. Host countries accepting and in some cases not accepting the immigrants cause the problem for the both side. Global citizenship as a symbol of the world interdependence and disconnectedness have an impact in meeting the challenge of migration flow. Global citizenship can influence through building a bridge of transnational activist networks, educating global civics and cross-cultural empathy.Global citizenship as a symbol of the world interdependence and interconnections have an impact in meeting the challenge of migration flow. Global citizenship can influence through building a bridge of transnational activist networks, educating global civics and cross-cultural empathy.

Global Citizenship can have an impact in managing the flow of migrants, fleeing their country due to political and economic instability. One way of influencing the host country to manage the migration flow in an appropriate way is through the proponents of the concept global citizenship, international organizations, lobbying groups and enforcement of international laws protecting the rights of the refugee and migrants. There are several reason states are not willing to accept migrant to their county. Firstly, states act in its own interest and benefit thus, states making cost benefit analyses and defining the cost exceeding the benefits become reluctant in accepting the refugees. Secondly, not only the wish of the state, but also the governmental budget does not allow accepting the refugees. Thirdly, but not the lastly, the government does not have adequate resources to host the refugees. Global activists can have their impact on lobbying the governments. For the example the transnational advocacy networks (TANs) demonstrate global political activism. TANs are working internationally on a problem that is common in most parts of the world. They bring new ideas, promote values and try to get the advantage of over the target of their actions. [1] In resolving the problem of migration flow to mostly European countries, TANs as a symbol of global citizenship can work to influence the government in making the decision over the migration issue. European countries like Hungary, Slovakia and Denmark implementing anti-immigration policy and cutting welfare benefits for refugees, are deteriorating the situation in Europe since there is unequal distribution of refugees within the region. This escalated the problem of refugees for other European countries. Therefore, this type of activist groups are needed initially for practicing global citizenship and showing care and concern about the immigrants and then consequently transnational activists can have influence in domestic and interstate level of political decision-making.


