Appnap has secured the prestegious National ICT Awards 2022


Mr. Nurul Amin, Managing Director and CEO, Appnap receiving the award on behalf of the organization.

National ICT Awards is considered to be the most prestigious recognition in the IT sector of Bangladesh. The BASIS National ICT Award recognizes the country’s best and most promising projects, initiatives and companies for their outstanding contribution to developing services for a digital Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) organizes the award every year in recognition of outstanding achievements of businesses and organizations from both government and private sectors.

Appnap Technologies Limited has received an award in the 5th edition of this award ceremony, which was held at Radisson Blu Water Garden, Dhaka on October 31, 2022.



Mohammad Nurul Amin

Just a regular guy devoted to making the world a bit furnished and flexible for the biological species.