Nutbox now supports Cosmos chain. Walnut, Peanut, and WhereIN starts Delegate ATOM Mining

2 min readApr 29, 2022


Nutbox, a multi-chain staking protocol and staking-based DAO creation platform.

A few days ago, Nutbox has cross-chain supported Cosmos, and any Nutbox ecological community can start the delegate ATOM mint its community tokens. The first three communities to start this function are Walnut, Peanut, and WhereIN.

Still don’t know how to get involved? Don’t worry, this article will teach you how to participate in Delegate ATOM Mining step by step.


  • Walnut, Peanut, WhereIN are BSC ecological communities and need to connect to Keplr and Metamask wallets;
  • All operations are decentralized on chain, Nutbox and its ecological communities cannot touch any delegate assets in any form;
  • The default validator for Walnut, Peanut and WhereIN is noogra.nuts, which does not affect the delegator’s access to the Cosmos ecological airdrop;

Operation Guide

Take an example of operating the Delegate ATOM Mint NUT on the Walnut community page;

Part 1 Install Keplr and Metamask and Log In

Part 2 Delegate ATOM Mint NUT

1. Click here, and the third pool is the Delegate ATOM Mint NUT pool.

2. Click 「Connect Metamask」and approve connection.
3. Click 「Connect Keplr Wallet」and approve connection.
4. Click「+」, enter the amount of ATOM delegated, and click「Confirm」.

5. Click「Approve」to sign with Keplr.

About Nutbox

Nutbox is the community hub of Web3.0, providing out-of-the-box functionalities to building DAOs, onboard users and bootstrap communities.

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