Triple rewards !Walnut is the first to support the Moonbeam slot auction

3 min readNov 4, 2021


Nutbox Walnut has reached a partnership with Moonbeam, crowdloan participants can easily contribute to Moonbeam through Nutbox Walnut.

About Slot Auction

Slot auction is a unique mode of Polkadot.
Polkadot is actually a Layer 0 blockchain, which can connect many Layer 1 solutions together, and endow the parachain with shared security by letting the relaychain validator verify the parachain block. But the parachain that the relay chain can access is limited.

In order to allocate limited parachain slots to more valuable parachains, Polkadot/Kusama will use auctions to allow parachain projects to compete for slot leases. The way of competition is to contribute DOT/KSM to the relaychain. The more the conteibution, the more likely it is to obtain a slot. This process is called slot auction.

About Moonbeam

Moonbeam acts as the underlying public chain and application center in the Polkadot ecology, and has a friendly development environment that is perfectly compatible with the Ethereum EVM, a rich Polkadot ecological application matrix, and a strong investment background.

There is only one day left before the Polkadot slot auction on November 5th. Although the foundation has not announced when Moonbeam crowdloan will begin, it is expected to open soon.

Once announced, Nutbox Walnut will support it as soon as possible.

Why Walnut

Nutbox Walnut has been paying attention to the Polkadot ecology for a long time. Nutbox once supported the Parachain slot auction module of the Kusama network, and first connected to many Polkadot projects including Crust, Astar, Bifrost, Darwinia, Phala and so on.

This time Walnut will participate in the Polkadot slot auction in a brand-new way, and support Parachains such as Moonbeam to participate in Crowdloan.

  • Easy to use
  • Just go to the Walnut page, click contribute button and you can contribute to the parachain you support with one click.
  • Financial security
  • Decentralized way to ensure the safety of funds, any funds will not be transferred to third-party accounts.
  • Triple rewards
  1. Parachain: Contribute Moonbeam through Walnut does not affect the distribution of original rewards from Moonbeam.
  2. cToken: Get community token rewards by contribution. Users can freely choose the community entrance to contribute according to the APY.
  3. NUT: In order to help Moonbeam obtain slots, Walnut will provide NUT as an additional reward.

Walnut Totorial

Totorial Link:

When Moonbeam crowdloan starts, the tutorial will be online,please stay tuned.

If you have any queation please enter the Walnut official Telegram channel to discuss【

Polkadot’s first slot auction time is approaching, and Nutbox Walnut will work with the community and all other projects in the Polkadot ecosystem to contribute to the construction of the future Web3.0 infrastructure.

