Top 3 types of Tea for PCOS |PCOD


A hormonal condition known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can cause insulin resistance and irregular menstrual periods, among other health problems like obesity, poor metabolism, infertility, and unwanted facial hair. While there isn’t a single kind of tea that may treat or cure PCOS, however, some herbal teas can help with some of the condition’s symptoms or improve overall metabolism.

Being in this clinical field for about 7 years, I am sharing the top 3 Teas with you all which positively affected many patients of mine. Sharing my version of these recipes.

  1. Herbal Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon has been researched for its ability to help with insulin sensitivity, a major worry for many PCOS-affected women. PCOS patients frequently have insulin resistance, which can result in weight gain and trouble controlling blood sugar levels. Adding cinnamon to your routine or making cinnamon tea could improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin.



  1. Rolled Cinnamon (Half an inch)
  2. Carom seeds (1/4tsp)
  3. Fennel Seeds (1/2 tsp)
  4. Cumin seeds (1/2 tsp)


  1. Boil the water
  2. Add all ingredients one by one and cover the pan.
  3. Let it simmer for 2–3 minutes and then turn of the gas.
  4. Now sieve and sip it after 5–7 minutes of infusion.

NOTE: You can have this tea twice a day!

2. Spearmint Tea

Mint leaves assist in lowering androgen levels which are frequently elevated in PCOS-affected women, which can lead to symptoms including hirsutism (excessive hair growth) and acne. Regularly consuming spearmint tea may help these symptoms and reduce testosterone levels.



  1. Fresh Mint Leaves


  1. Boil the water
  2. Add fresh mint leaves and cover the pan.
  3. Turn off the gas and let in infuse for 5 minutes.
  4. Now sieve and sip it warm.

NOTE: You can have this tea twice a day!

3. Shatavari Tea

Shatavari roots are rich in antioxidants and prolactin. It is a powerful female friend, which helps to boost Fertility, menstrual problems, and sexual disorders and is beneficial in breastfeeding as well.



  1. Shatavari Roots ( Half an inch)
  2. Ginger roots powder ( A pinch)
  3. Raw Haldi grated (1/4 tsp)


  1. Boil the water
  2. Add all ingredients one by one and cover the pan.
  3. Let it simmer for 2–3 minutes and then turn of the gas.
  4. Now sieve and sip it after 5–7 minutes of infusion.

NOTE: You can have this tea twice a day!

NOTE: It’s crucial to remember that these teas shouldn’t be used in place of medical treatment; rather, they should be seen as complementary methods of treating PCOS symptoms. If you have PCOS, it’s critical to consult with a medical professional and Nutritional expert to create a thorough treatment plan that may involve dietary adjustments, physical activity, and other therapies based on your individual requirements. I hope this will help many more friends and I could help you a bit in your journey.

Dt. Taranpreet Kaur



Taranpreet Kaur - Nutrition Nest

Clinical Nutritionist | Specialist Chronic Diseases | Health and Nutrition Educator |