Humans of Nutshell Support: Kristen G.

2 min readOct 8, 2019


To help celebrate Customer Service Week 2019, we’re putting the spotlight on Nutshell’s CX team. Come back every day this week to meet another one of the friendly humans who support our amazing customers!


Kristen G., Nutshell Customer Success Manager:
“I love solving complicated workflow issues for customers, and helping teams articulate their business needs then curating creative and individualized solutions to increase their growth. Each time a customer presents a new problem to me I haven’t solved before, I roll up my sleeves and get such an excited feeling. I am in a privileged position to be able to help entrepreneurs in life-changing ways, and I value each conversation where I can learn something new.

One Nutshell support experience I’ll always remember happened last year when I was working with a water supply company, and their admin wanted to establish a fast, aggressive sales cycle. I helped them create pipeline lead decay rules so that when a lead closed due to a sales rep’s inactivity, the entire team got pinged on their phones that it was up for grabs. It felt great to be able to deliver real value to a scaling team who was struggling to increase the velocity of leads moving through their pipeline!

With a background in face-to-face sales and education, I could not have foreseen myself working in the tech industry. I am utterly delighted each day with the decision I made to join the CX team at Nutshell. Technology is amazing when it is used for good, and I feel inspired when I reflect on how our product has evolved over the years. I never knew that software was so adaptable, kept alive by our customers feedback. I am grateful for it all.

When I’m not supporting Nutshell customers, I enjoy traveling to new places with my fiancé and hiking trails with my golden retriever. I am an amateur painter and I collect and pin rare butterflies.

My favorite book is Peaks and Valleys by Spencer Johnson. I have bought it several times and end up gifting it to someone each time. My favorite quote is, ‘The most common reason you leave a peak too soon is arrogance, masquerading as confidence. The most common reason you stay in a valley too long is fear, masquerading as comfort.’ It is a little book with a big impact.”




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