Discovering Your True Self

The effort of discovering yourself is a path to returning to yourself.

Nuzhat Khalid
3 min readMar 22, 2019

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ―Aristotle

Human beings are the most mysterious creature on this planet. We are born with a lot of potential, but all this is closed in a cage. The cage whose door is wide open, but we are not aware of the path, that where we will go after crossing that wide-open cage. We have wings, but we can’t fly because we don’t know what we really want to do, what we are looking for in our life and in which direction we should move.

We often think that we know our-self, but many times we failed. Because when we think about this, an uncertain question came into the mind that who we are and why we are here? At that time, many of us failed to answer because we pretend that we know but the fact is that we actually don’t know. We all are suffering from this ambiguous situation where we are stuck between knowing and unknowing.

Everyone of us might not aware the struggle of discovering themselves. Because It’s about embracing that who we are with all our sentiments and pain. We cannot run from all this, despite all this we have to face it, feel it and heal it. It is about accepting yourself as you are and accepting the facts also. Because we cannot bury the reality and we cannot change it. We can only accept it whole-heartedly and have courage to move on with all this.

Self-discovery might be difficult, but it gives the idea to rethink who we are. It helps to maintain our true side that hide somewhere in this world. Eventually, self-discovery leads you to happiness and helps you to discover your that expression that can never be seen. It shed off, the old beliefs and fears, and show us the positive way to live. It actually creates a difference between our imagination and what we are in real. It makes an understanding of our self under all circumstances and beliefs.

As Carl Jung says ‘Your vision will only become clear when you look into your heart. If we look outside, we dream. If we look inside, we awaken.

As the layers of our own imagination falls off, the core reality hits us that what we are meant to be and who we are? We are not discovering our-self rather than we are making wrong imagination and assumption about our-self that leads us towards the wrong path. So, if we will discover our-self we will find that we have potential to rise above any struggle and transform into the brightest and happiest version of our-self.

Let’s discover yourself,

Discover your identity,

Discover your happiness,

Discover your true self,

Discover your mindfulness,

Discover and cover the distance between you and you,

Discover and return to yourself.

