AMA Darley Go on Solana Daily

6 min readJan 11, 2022



Q: Lovely! Today’s AMA is about DarleyGo, are you ready to introduce us this project?

A: Yes. DarleyGo is a mythical based NFT horseracing game built on Solana that allows players to purchase, train, race, breed, and collect NFT horses.

Q: A horseracing game you say

So players buy their horses, train them an compete with other players?

A: Yes, we are a Horse Racing Game

Q: ok so how many players can we compete in 1 match?

A: up to 12 horses each match(race)

Q: interesting, so I guess we will just participate in the match and let the horses race by itself right?

A; correct. and the players are also trainer of their horses too.

as we have a training mode for players to train up their horses’ skillset and overall ability

Q: So what motivated you to start this project?

A: — So…I grew up watching a lot of horse racing events and have always been a BIG fan of it. Before kickstarting DarleyGo, I had worked in the Horse Racing industry for many years, mainly trading live racehorses around the world

- I’ve always loved playing horse racing video games myself and wanted to solve the main problem of all of them, which is monetization. After seeing the maturity of blockchain technology and NFT adoption, I gathered up two of my old friends, who is our CTO and creative director, and decided to transform our idea into reality

Q: Why did you choose Solana among many Layer 1 chains?

A: — So first of all, when it comes to coming, speed is one of the most important factor that we consider.

- Second of all, the overall quality of its eco-system. We value if its eco system would be able to support (from all perspective) what we are trying to build

- Combine two points I mentioned above, we think Solana fits our value, project, and goals the most

Q: Alright, so please tell us if there are any special differences and strengths of DarleyGo compared to other projects.

A: When designing the game, we are more coming from the real world horse racing perspective

For example, Breeding part is one of the most important part of the whole game. Instead of letting generation type to decide horses’ overall quality, we’ve decided a whole brand new system and implementing “”mutation probability”” factor to help boosting up the chance of breeding a champion horses (just like the real world, which has been working for hundreds of years)

Other than that, we want to let the players to interact with their horses more, and able to explore their horses’ capability (for ex, distance, running style, characters…etc), therefore, we have a training mode to enable players to do all mentioned above

Q: So what you’re saying is even the worst breeds can reproduce a champion horse that has great value?

A: So I’d say, to be successful in the breeding industry requires a massive study of your horses’ pedigree and ability, just as how it is in the real world of actual horse racing games.
Apart from generation types, pedigree and ability badges also play a big parts in our breeding design.

Q: Well a lot of thoughts has invested in this feature, this makes sure that players have to learn the game and also invest their time also. This is no click-to-earn game

Can you disclose the partners (funds, projects, foundations, etc.) that are currently partnering with DarleyGo? Also, please let me know if there are any additional partnerships planned in the future.

A: not at all. It’s a game that you really have to study, plan, and put efforts into it.

We’ve been very honoured to be able to partner up with many amazing partners such as Jump Capital, our lead investor of Seed, GBV, Waterdrip, GuildFi, Paribus, GBIC, Solar Eco Fund, Athena Ventures, SOL Big Brain, FTS, Ellipti, Panony, and many more coming up in the future.19:25

Q: Can you explain the utility of DarleyGo NFT and $GXE and $DGE tokens, and introduce the token issuance related information (talknomics, issuance schedule, etc.)?

A: Yes. we are adopting a Dual Token model for DarleyGo: $GXE and $DGE

$GXE will be mainly used as in-game soft currency for transactions liek race entry fee, prize pool and mission rewards, and breeding

$DGE is DarleyGo’s governance token, which will be used for breeding, special race events rewards, staking, voting, in-house marketplace, and many exclusive access to game features

Q: What about the DarleyGo NFT? How can I purchase DarleyGo NFT? Can you reveal more details?

A: We are expecting to drop 3800 genesis horses for our first NFT sale in about 2 weeks. We are still finalizing some details on our end, making sure to do it as the way our community wants it to be. For more details, please stay tuned with us

Q: Please tell us about the vision and mid- to long-term roadmap of the DarleyGo project. And also, if you have any links to your Discord/Twitter/Telegram group, feel free to plug it here!

A: We aim to become the industry leader in this new era of gaming! We will raise the standard by building an immersive and exciting platform where video games can change the gamers’ behavior form the traditional way.

I also believe that we are not just building a simple horse racing game here, but we envision an Equine Metaverse that allows players to interact with their own virtual horses, equip them with unique properties, and intermingle with other players.


1: Can you share some Details about Recent Major Achievements done by your project? Also, what are the Future Roadmap & Targets of your project?

A: Absolutely! There are many milestones we’ve achieved so far in terms of our tech and graphics (3&2D) developments that we are really proud of. Other than that, I’d say our achievement in Solana Ignition Hackathon where we won the community choice award, that was definitely a HUGE encouragement to us and a good sign to show us that we are building a product that people like and anticipating

2. Can you indicate a feature or feature that you like best about DarleyGo so that it can compete with other competitors? What are you most confident about DarleyGo? Do you have plans to get users to choose DarleyGo?19:38

A: Nice question!
one of the feature that we really like is our breeding system. instead of letting generation type to decide each of the horses’ overall quality, we are implementing a method called mutation probability, which is letting each of the horses’ own pedigree (family tree) to decide its overall quality just like the real world racing.

I’m extremely confident in the DarleyGo team! I think we have pretty much every single major parts covered with our partners and own team’s talents

3. Almost 80% investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?

A: That’s also a really good question. That’s why we have been choosing our partners extremely carefully. All of our current partners really see the long term value in the field of gamefi, sport gaming sector, and in us. honestly, our investors have never asked/rushed us about token listing timeline or price etc.

4. What are the steps to become a part of your community, and start getting revenues? Where do we buy, where do we sign up? This looks like an amazing project!

A: Yes, we put our community on a very first priority. We recently released a community contributor program, which allows DarleyGoers to contribute their talents (mod, media making, meme creation, ambassador, and many more) to serve other members in the community to make our community more fun, diverse, and inclusive.

5. Since NFT is popular nowadays, is there a plan for NFT integration?

A: I love this one. We see there are many non-utility NFTs (pfp NFT) have been releasing to the market, and some of their artworks are actually amazing. Therefore, we’ve been trying a create a program with our partners (Jump, n GBV), which enables the non-utility NFT holders from other promising projects to have a certain advantage in our game (for ex, special skins, names, more). We will release more details of this program in the future! Please stay tuned with us

Read more about Darley Go here:




