AIDOC and its Technical Characteristics

3 min readMar 18, 2018


AIDOC is a medical platform that makes use of the crypto network to help deliver users with a wide array of healthcare services. Based on the Blockchain, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and other technologies, AIDOC realizes the intelligent medical value chain AIDOC chain, which consists of four modules: security, authentication, intelligent network, and data storage. In this article, i’ll briefly explain the various technical characteristics of AIDOC as this characteristics are integral parts of AIDOC platform.


Security is the bedrock upon which AIDOC system is built on, AIDOC strives to strictly control the code quality, avoid defects in the system code, and set up a special code review and assessment department which consists of top companies to ensure that each line of code in the system is safe and reliable.


With the help of Blockchain, AIDOC chain can be divided into the token chain, data storage chain and AI model chain according to the functions. AIDOC independently develops a cross-chain protocol, which maintains the instant communication between chains, improves the concurrency capability of the whole system, and reduces service response time.

· Token Chain

Token chain features decentralization, it’s a digital token which uses blockchain as payment technology. To avoid traditional centralized payments such as high service fees and complicated processes, the encrypted digital AID token system makes use of a point-to-point direct transaction. Transactions are authenticated by the network node and be permanently recorded in public distributed ledger of the token chain based on blockchain technology.

· Data Storage Chain

The IPFS (interplanetary file storage) system is integrated through differential privacy technology to securely encrypt user’s data. AIDOC will create engine suitable for health and medical data storage and construct digital person through the data storage chain by redeveloping IPFS.

· AI Model Chain

Al model is the core of the company and makes use of IPFS for model storage. On the chain, AIDOC plans to solve the security problem of the AI model storage and operation so that the AI model cannot be stolen by other competitors.

Different AI models can be set up by various research institutes through the data on the AIDOC chain, and other medical institutions and users can choose different AI models to assist their medical treatment and achieve the purpose of continuously iterating AI model evolution with Blockchain value consensus.


With the advent of the big data era and the continuous improvement in computing ability, AI solutions led by DL-deep learning have made significant progress in the medical industry. As an essential branch of artificial intelligence, DL-deep learning is receiving more and more concern and recognition from both the scholarship industry and industrial community. DL-deep learning is a method of modelling data by using a deep neural network. The network automatically learns the hidden features of data layer by layer and then carries out the corresponding tasks of classification, regression and segmentation.

There is no doubt that the solution of medical treatment, artificial Intelligence and blockchain can thoroughly address the current dilemma in the medical industry.

