How James Webb Space Telescope Will Study The Terrifying Conditions Of Exoplanets Clouds

Future Space World
2 min readAug 16, 2022


Exoplanets are planets orbiting other stars other than the sun. Up to date, about 5,000 exoplanets within the milky way galaxy have been discovered so far using our observatories. Studying these distanced planets could help us understand more fascinating facts about our home planet, Earth. As James Webb Space Telescope has commenced its operation to observe the vast nature of the Cosmos, NASA has decided to look closer to see what exoplanets are made up of.

Since we can learn more about exoplanets from their clouds alone, the James Webb Space Telescope was meant to study these clouds and uncover new fascinating discoveries for us. Most exoplanets have similar clouds to Earth, implying that liquids and solid droplets are suspended in their atmosphere.

Some of these exoplanets orbit closer to their stars, attracting a scorching temperature of thousands of degrees towards their surfaces. This implies that the liquid materials that make up their clouds are vaporized. This hazardous condition makes it impossible for clouds of water to exist in these exoplanets.

Hence, exoplanets clouds are made up of rocks because of the extreme conditions surrounding their existence. These clouds of rocks are continuously heated up by scorching heat coming from their host stars. It is possible to get molten rocks, liquid gas, sapphires, and molten irons under certain levels of high temperature.

With the presence of these fascinating elements, you could tell that the clouds of exoplanets are made up of precious stones and gems. But should you be attracted to the exoplanets because of these precious stones? Before you make up your mind about planets, you should think of the extreme conditions surrounding their existence.

Why Most Exoplanets Are Completely Inhabitable For Humans

Under certain conditions, these exoplanets experience extreme pressure, temperature, and wind, that are far beyond the extreme conditions of any celestial bodies within the solar system. On Earth, scientists have recorded the fastest wind during hurricanes to travel at 250 miles per hour (400 kilometers per hour).

However, scientists have measured exoplanets’ winds to surpass 5,000 miles per hour (8,000 kilometers per hour). These high-speed winds carry exoplanets’ clouds of molten rocks and glasses around the planets. This implies that the movement of these clouds rocks and glasses is significantly out of control.

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