4 Channeled Messages From Usher’s New Song “Kissing Strangers”

Nikki K Williams
6 min readMar 2, 2024


Hi there! Thank you for being here. I appreciate you. My name is Nikki. I channel messages from movies and television shows using tarot and oracle cards. And also sometimes from books and songs if I’m called to do so. I will channel messages from songs on Usher’s new album Coming Home for this series.

The final song that Spirit chose from Coming Home is Kissing Strangers. And I’m stoked because I think this is my favorite song on this album. The vibe is fire! Let’s see what messages Spirit is bringing through today.

Channeled Lyrics

Is it messed up I hope you would be here — Only so I could act like I don’t care— Been a blur for the last two months — Got a glass on my lips and a burn in my chest

Message #1

There’s a lot of anxiety here. And with the lyrics, it feels like anxiety from being around a particular person. Or perhaps even a lack of being around this person. But there’s also a sense of having strong feelings for them at the same time.

The lyrics state how things have been a blur for the last two months. So for some of you, this feels like a relationship that didn’t quite make it off the ground. Or something ended in the recent past and it feels like this person has become a stranger to you. It’s almost like you never knew them.

Heartbreak such as this, can cause anxiety many of you feel. Spirit is bringing through a gentle suggestion to return to your breath. Every time we return to our breath, we come back to the present moment where we belong. And doing breathwork meditations can help you process the pain you feel in your body. Feeling it is what releases it.

There is also no hurry with your healing. Take all the time you need. But checking in with yourself during the process helps immensely. Ask yourself what you need in those moments. And focus on those things.

Message #2

The Seven of Swords in reverse represents being honest with yourself. And also learning the truth about something or someone. The lyrics above state “Is it messed up I hope you would be here — only to act like I don’t care.” This is an energy many of you are moving away from. You’ve realized you can’t pretend with someone when you still care about them.

I see conversations about remaining friends and trying to make that work. In the end, the heart wants what it wants, though. Accepting something that isn’t your truth will never work. That’s why the Seven of Swords is showing up today. Many people are refusing to settle for less than they want or deserve.

If being around someone doesn’t bring you inner peace, walking away is okay. It’s one hundred percent okay to not spend time with them. Do what is best for your mental health. I see some instances where some people are guilt-tripping others because they don’t want to hang out. Or because they don’t want to be just friends. All that matters is that you do what’s best for you.

I also sense a lot of gossip or bad-mouthing going on as well. For some, this is the source of anxiety. I feel instances of people ending relationships because of what other people think. If this is the case, rejection like this is spirit’s protection. People who value their partner don’t care what other people think.

Message #3

This card flipped out of the deck in reverse. It states “Live in the moment.” I feel many people who have worked on healing and letting go of the past. But some past experiences are so painful we can get stuck and allow them to define us. Whatever happened in the past does not define who you are. You are and always have been enough.

Spirit mentioned earlier that breathwork can help bring you back to the present. Channeling emotions into a creative work of art can also be very healing. And creativity also brings people into the present moment. This is because you get engaged with the task at hand.

This card is showing up because many people are too focused on the past and future. How often do we miss out on the good going on now because we can’t let go of the past? Or worry about what is going to happen in the future? Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now is a great book about staying in the present moment. And how our power is always in the present. Spirit is suggesting this book for other great tips.

Also, when we can’t let go of the past, we keep creating similar situations in our present. What we focus on grows. So it’s important to keep the mind focused on what we desire to create in our lives. Meditation and creative visualization are also great ways to live in the present.

Message #4

There is no one else like you in the world. Your uniqueness is what sets you apart from others. Spirit is showing me instances of comparing oneself to other people. And this is an insult to yourself because you’re not meant to be like anyone other than yourself.

This card flipped out of the deck in reverse because many people are failing to see what makes them special. The truth is everything about you is special. There were no mistakes made when you developed in the womb. And when we can get to a place where we accept everything about ourselves, that is ultimate self-love.

For some, this is an opportune time for healing your relationship with yourself. Spirit is even suggesting taking a break from dating and romance for the time being. Prioritizing physical and mental health can help a lot. Aligning your mind, body, and soul will serve much better for relationships in the future. But it’s crucial to have an amazing relationship with yourself first. It’s true when they say we can’t truly love someone until we love ourselves.

Those are the four channeled messages from Usher’s new song Kissing Strangers! And that’s a wrap on this series. Stay tuned for a new series to drop soon. Thank you again for being here. Sending much love.

Nikki K



Nikki K Williams

Hello! I help inspire creativity and healing in others. My writing includes channeled messages from creative expressions such as movies, books, and music.