Sam Altman Fired as CEO of OpenAi

2 min readNov 18, 2023


Sam Altman Fired as CEO of OpenAi, November 18, 2023.

Sam Altman, the Silicon Valley CEO renowned for spearheading AI-driven chatbots ChatGPT and GPT-4, faces unexpected termination by the board of directors, marking a significant upheaval in the tech industry.

OpenAI, supported by Microsoft, announced a leadership transition on Friday, citing a loss of confidence in Altman's ability to lead the company, as determined by the board of directors.

"Mr. Altman's exit stems from a thorough board review, determining a lack of consistent candor in communications, impeding the board's effective responsibility execution," stated the company on its blog.

The board of directors were grateful and expressed gratitude for the Altman's contributions in OpenAi but also emphasized the necessity of new leadership for the organization's future trajectory.

The organization, or its board, refrained from providing details regarding Mr. Altman's departure.

Mira Murati, Chief Technology Officer, assumes the role of interim CEO, overseeing operations until a permanent successor is identified for the $90 billion company.

And Altman also recently served as the company's representative in a the panel discussion of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum held in San Francisco this week.

Altman conveyed with a brief statement about his departure through X (formerly Twitter) saying he “loved working with such talented people” and that leading the company had been “transformative to me personally".

Altman's unexpected departure triggered a cascade of responses within the technology industry.

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt praised Altman, describing him as a "hero" who profoundly impacted our collective world.

OpenAI's President, Greg Brockman, a co-founder alongside Altman and Elon Musk, announced his departure following the news.

Sam also added his last statement regarding OpenAi, saying — “We’ve been through tough and great times together, accomplishing much despite the reasons it should have been impossible, but based on today’s news, I quit.” on X.

Altman gained huge recognition across worldwide last year after the debut of ChatGPT. It both fascinated and concerned the public due to its capacity for detailed, human-like, though occasionally imprecise responses to user inquiries.

In September, New York Magazine featured a profile drawing parallels between the tech entrepreneur and J. Robert Oppenheimer, renowned as the progenitor of the atomic bomb. Concurrently, Time Magazine acknowledged his impact, listing him among the 100 most influential figures in AI for 2023.




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