Some Tips to Finding IDORs more easily and Fixing them

Amin Nasiri
3 min readNov 8, 2022


This time I want to talk about IDOR blinkers which are the keys for finding IDORs faster and some tips for programmers who want to have a general knowledge of IDORs and maybe fix them. First I’m going to say what IDOR is.

According to Portswigger:

“Insecure direct object references (IDOR) are a type of access control vulnerability that arises when an application uses user-supplied input to access objects directly. IDOR vulnerabilities are most commonly associated with horizontal privilege escalation (which means changing your access to a user with the same privileges as yours), but they can also arise in relation to vertical privilege escalation(which means changing your access to a higher privileged user, like an admin user).”

Generally, when we see an ID in a request or anything which is an object in the back-end or concept of an object, we should test it for IDOR vulnerability. There are always things that I pay attention to them that are kind of blinkers showing themselves.

Time Objects:

Mostly, when I say the object in this article, I mean a parameter in a request. In this case, I mean a parameter that has time in itself. First I tell why you as a penetration tester or a bug bounty hunter should pay attention to time objects. After some years of back-end programming experience, I know that many programmers who want to make something unchangeable that had a deadline in the past, use time inputs, and I have seen many times when they get time from the user and they did not implement the access control properly.

Wait what? Why do they get time from the user?

So it depends on the functionality of the application, but as an example when we have repeated items and different timelines, we need to get the time from the user, and doing this is kind of OK if the controls are implemented correctly.

So what if we have different Object IDs and different timelines?

Two different cases for accessing objects

So in Case 1, the programmer has to get the time from the user so the user can change or add items based on the time. However, I just want to tell you about Case 2.

So in Case 2:

Web application may just check the time and after passing the time checking level, does not compare IDs with the specified time, then the hacker can easily change or add items that occurred in the past.

Vulnerable way and secure way of accessing and checking objects

This is an IDOR example on one of the programs which I can not show the details right now:

Request with Past Time

So everything you have to do for a successful attack is to change the time to a day after that time because you have permission to change the items in the future, but the web application does not check the IDs with time in the request.

Change the Request Time to Future

The Process is not Correct (for Programmers):

When you have specific IDs for each item, you don’t have to get time from the user. you have to calculate and compare time yourself in the web application back-end based on request time (the arrival time of request).



Amin Nasiri

Mohammadamin Nasiri: Application Security Engineer | Bug Bounty Hunter [Github: nxenon]