SingularityNET (AGIX) Ambassador Program

2 min readSep 22, 2023


The SingularityNET Community Ambassador Program is a dynamic initiative that encourages community members to actively contribute to the growth and awareness of decentralized Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and the SingularityNET ecosystem. This program not only provides structure but also rewards to individuals keen on advancing the cause of beneficial AGI.

Program Overview

The Ambassador Program serves as a platform for community members to harness their unique skills, talents, and passions to contribute to the SingularityNET ecosystem. Its primary objectives include:

  1. Strengthening Ecosystem Bonds: Forging stronger connections between ecosystem projects and their respective communities.
  2. Enthusiast Outreach: Utilizing the enthusiasm of community members to introduce newcomers to the SingularityNET ecosystem.

Ambassadors engage in a wide array of activities, ranging from translating blog posts to creating YouTube videos. Currently, two community-organized workgroups are active, focusing on establishing the program’s foundations and launching a community-led podcast.

As the program evolves, new workgroups will be formed based on community needs and initiatives. The Ambassador Program is designed to be decentralized, allowing community members to actively shape its structure and direction.

Roles and Responsibilities

Ambassadors have the flexibility to choose from various roles within the program, including but not limited to:

  • Moderating social media platforms.
  • Hosting meetups.
  • Content creation, such as producing YouTube videos.
  • Translating blogs.
  • Podcast hosting.
  • Assisting in building the program’s structure.

As the Ambassador Program expands, additional roles will be introduced in alignment with community interests and objectives. Project-specific workgroups offer diverse roles like podcast hosting, research, technical support, and video editing.


The Supervisory Council has allocated 0.5% of the newly minted token supply to the Ambassador Program, resulting in a monthly budget of 62,500 AGIX. These tokens are distributed publicly as rewards for completing ambassador tasks.

How to Join

To become part of this program, you can follow these steps:

  1. Attend the weekly Town Hall meetings held every Tuesday at 1800 UTC on the SingularityNET Discord server. These meetings are open to the public.
  2. Explore the program’s Gitbook for an overview, background information, meeting resources, and a comprehensive guide on how to get started.
  3. Use Dework to manage program tasks and select the tasks that align with your interests and capabilities.

The program wholeheartedly encourages participation and eagerly anticipates welcoming new members.

Learn More

Website | Twitter | Discord




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