NyanCat.io — release notes

2 min readAug 23, 2019


Hello everyone!!

The first NyanCat.io Leaderboard has ended! The prize fund was 665 Waves and the winners will receive their rewards soon! Prizes will be distributed in next few days as follows:
- 1st place — 100 Waves
- 2nd place — 50 Waves
- 3rd place — 30 Waves
- 4 to 100 places — 5 Waves

Please note, that races remain free for 3 more days! The prize fund is depleted, but you can still take part in free races — it’s a great way to try out the gameplay and have a look at our currently discounted cats (not for long). This event will last till the next update.

This week of free races has helped us to run network load tests, find and fix many bugs. Here are some of them:
- race results screen showing double 4th place bug is fixed;
- graphic desynchronization bug fixed, now your cat’s position at the end of the race will correspond to the place on the the race result screen;
- an option to change player’s portfolio after the race ends is added;
- player’s Leaderboard position will be displayed even is they didn’t make it to the prize pool.

Some words about future updates. We continue to prepare the NyanCat.io release, there are several important changes scheduled for next week. First of all, you will be able to place bets on races. You will need to pay the race price not in Waves, but in the new currency — NyanBucks. You will be able to buy NyanBucks in any way convenient to you: Bitcoin, Etherium, or credit card. Keep up with the announcements, we will reveal more details soon!

Attention! You don’t need to worry if you have some Waves on your game balance — they will be converted to NyanBucks at the best rate and you won’t lose anything. NyanBuck is rated 1:1 to USD.

Besides, pack races will be introduced in the next update. Ether Kingdoms players are already familiar with this concept. Players can arrange several races at the same time, which will help to fix matchmaking issues.

Stay tuned and follow our updates — lot of exciting stuff ahead!




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