Journal 1| Interview Disaster

NYC Blogger
3 min readJul 1, 2018


In these journal entries, I’ll be sharing & describing certain events that have impacted my life. Also on The first week of July, I’ll be posting a monthly query, you could go to the link and leave any questions and I’ll be answering most of them.

Quote Of The Week: “Take a deep breath. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life”

Job hunting || June 10,2O18

I’m currently entering my junior year of high school this year, at the beginning of the sophomore year I apply for SYEP (Summer Youth Employment Program) for ages 15–24. I applied last year it was honestly a great experience for my first job but it was more like going to school then actually working which kinda sucks. The process to get accepted is by a lottery which really sucks because I didn’t get accepted this time and such’s my job hunting began. I’m currently fifteen since my birthday is during August and most job only accept around the age of sixteen or older so that lowers my standards a lot. I really needed a job because I bought a camera (Coolpix 500) it was around $300 dollars but when I bought I totally forgot that SYEP process was by lottery I thought they choose you based on your report from last year so I told myself “Buy the Camera now because I’ll have more money in the summertime.

The Perfect Job || June 24, 2O18

A week later I found a job post that was perfect for me so I click and I apply, that following night I received an email scheduling an interview for Friday, June 29 at Bryant Park around 11:15 AM (P.S: The company knew I was fifteen).

Interview Disaster || June 29,2O18

I woke up at 7:00 AM and left my mother’s apartment at 10:30 AM it was about 17 mins to get there. I made it at Bryant Park at 11:00 AM but I didn’t find anyone from the company at the entrance so I decided to walk around to look for them but I didn’t find anyone. After like 5 mins of walking around it was 11:05 AM I decided to email them since I only had the company email but no response so I sat down and shot some footage of the park and took pictures , and while zooming into people to take pictures I saw the company logo and I ran towards them and try to explain and they told me since I missed my time slot I couldn’t do the interview so I left and when into the city. In the city, I kept getting lost because I don’t usually. travel around that Specific area of New York. I created a video of me exploring Bryant Park since this my first time at Bryant Park.



NYC Blogger

I’m teen just sharing my opinion on various topics