Crime History NYCHA

2 min readDec 10, 2014


It becomes clear through looking at the historical crime rates of NYCHA that the Bronx is the most dangerous set of affordable housing units. Closely followed by Brooklyn, then Manhattan, which sets Queens as this simple oasis of no criminality, but that is also not true. What is unprecedented is the rates by which the lack of crime has been raised from 1980–2014. There was a large spike in the 90’s and late 80s, but it has been decreased greatly since.

Although this may seem like a puff piece NYCHA police force have done a good job of stopping the death. Starting with tenants being employed by the city as the New York City Housing Authority, which was in collaboration with the NYPD. This turned into a set of officers that are under NYPD, but specified to public housing. Over the course of this period the number of over all deaths has plummeted while the number of overall crime has also decreased hugely. In the Bronx for example there are still roughly 5,000 felony assaults just reported in the housing limits but keep in mind, this is a -21.00% decrease. That statistic is not alarming but consider the overall crime rate of going down roughly -70.00%, in the Bronx.

As the most dangerous borough for NYCHA residents to live in the Bronx this year has been relatively calm in comparison. 83 murders compared to 190 back in 2001, or 653 in 1990. There have only been roughly 4.5 thousand robberies in comparison to roughly 18,000 in 1990.

The Bronx:

There are renovations being done on housing projects in the Bronx right now on 121 units in 9 buildings that have been, since the mid 90s out of commission. There have only been 4 buildings completed since 2010. Some of these are the Kipps Bay Boys and Girls Club of America, which is 28,000 square feet and is a hugely successful recreational center for after school boys and girls sports. There is also the Brooks Willis housing facility which is a mid level housing facility equipped with finer accessories than most projects.

Some of the facilities are upscale locations that have been completely renovated like the facility 1605 university Avenue, or 1491 Montgomery Ave, all old uninhabited buildings. Still uninhabited however because construction has been halted since 2007.

