Axie Infinity How to Position your Axie in Battle (Closed Beta Version)

3 min readAug 15, 2018


It’s been a week since the start of the Closed Battle Beta for Axie and I’d like to touch on an aspect of battle that some might have overlooked.

Below is the basic information that we have currently on the position.

Axie pisiton bonus and penalty

Base on the position, Axie will have +2 damage, +5 accuracy or -damage.
Important thing to take note is that +2 damage position will also give +2 damage to attacking Axie. So if Both attacker and defender are at +2 damage position, the bonus damage will be +4.

Below are the some useful team positioning that I can think off currently. There might be some other combination that I do not know or realize at the moment. So feel free to ask, suggest or correct if there is anything does not feel right to you.

Basic Team Composition

1.)Tank + Support (healer/off-tank) + Attacker ( Stable team by trying to keep tank alive and kill the enemy team slowly)
2.) Tank + Attacker( the most common setup and do well most of the time )
3.) 3x Attacker
— 3.1. All 3 Axie need to be fastest and kill enemy tank in 1st round before enemy team start moving.
— 3.2. Need to make sure the front Axie do not die in 1–2 hit and also front Axie need to have highest chance to trigger last stand.

Attacking order

Enemy Axie will attack your team base on this order 1 being the first and 9 as the last.

Attacker Priority

Position Suggestion

Tank = T
Support = S
Attacker = A

1.) 1 tank + 1 support (off tank or healer that heal front axie) + 1 damage dealer

Why? : In this setup Damage dealer will not get any penalty damage or accuracy, and also will only be attacked after two other Axie die. (unless enemy has backdoor attack such as toothless and shrimp.)

2.) 1 tank + 2 damage dealer


Why? : For 1 tank and 2 damage dealer 2A give more offensive advantages and make it easier to kill enemy tank.
2B however give no bonus or penalty for all 3 Axie which is good for most of the situation but if enemy team has a healer, 2A will give better chance to win than 2.B since it give bonus damage to kill enemy faster.

3.) 3 Attackers

Why?: This is the max potential bonus damage or accuracy buff you can get from position to take down enemy tank in shortest turn. There is no point trying to put Axie in other position since 3 attackers teams is not likely to last long, the shorter the battle is the better for this 3 attackers team.

