Sarah’s Femdom Family Pt. 02

5 min readFeb 5, 2021


My work life was going well but my love life was lacking somewhat. I am a very dominant lady who expects some level of obedience from my partner. Most of the guys I dated were alpha males with gorgeous bodies and sharp minds and I had an active and enjoyable sex life with them.

However, there came a time or circumstance in every relationship where I made demands or got angry when my wishes were not his top priority.

It was always at that point that arguments started and I bolted.

I was at the home of one of my oldest friend when chat got round to relationships. Mary was also a corporate lawyer and I valued her opinion.

She said, “honey you know I love you and want what is best for you? Well, I have noticed that at the firm’s social events you are often alone. The guys have their trophy wives and I have Bernard and most of the other women have trophy partners. What is going on?”

“Well it is not easy for a female supremacist to find a suitable guy who is both charming and funny as well as obedient. I just wish I could find someone, you know who would be happy to chat to the other partners whilst we have our business meetings at events like the annual bonus giving party.”

“Well, I know a guy who has just started at my hairdressers. Actually it is the one owned by your mother. He was brought up in a femdom family and he and his father are under the control of his mother and older sister. He is so handsome and sweet and he is used to being obedient. You should hear the Hair Stylists tell him to go fetch or sweep the floor or get coffee. His name is Toby. Perhaps I could arrange a dinner party with me and you and Bernard and Toby, what do you think?”

“Sounds like fun…give me a call.”

Six months later Toby is living with me and he is a good boy. He was brought up to be obedient to women so I have no trouble with him. He also looks good by my side at social events and is charming to my colleagues.

At his home the educational priority was always with Toby’s sister, Rachel. She was sent to a private school and onto university where she got a degree in Physics.

Toby did well at sports but his reports always said things like…”Toby has a nice smile”…”Toby must concentrate and learn his times table beyond 10, he have trouble with his sums”…”Toby is quiet and shy.”

Toby is so sweet, but is a bit of a bimbo. I have taught him to follow my lead and learn little bit about politics and religion as well as fashion trends and make up tips. He does quite well at dinner parties but struggles if the talk goes too deep.

One evening we were at a party when a girlfriend of mine asked Toby what he thought about the situation in the USA. Now I hadn’t spoken to Toby about this so he didn’t know what his opinion was. I listened as he chatted and was pleased with his response…”well it is very complex and so I am not sure. I’ll talk to Sarah about it and then I will be able to form an opinion.”

The talk progressed and my friend seemed to sense that Toby would be happier talking about what the Duchess of Cambridge wore to visit a hospital yesterday.

He seemed to relax and had lots of opinions on that, all favourable I might add.

On the way home, as I was driving the Lexus, I told Toby he was a good boy and I was proud of him. He blushed slightly, which I found adorable.

I decided that we should have a formal agreement as to the status of our relationship and so I drew up ten rules for Toby to live by. He was already doing most of them and was not doing badly, but I thought it might be a good idea to formalise the rules.

The Rules.

1. Sarah owns the house and controls the money. Toby’s weekly wage will pay for food shopping. He will get a small allowance for incidentals but if he wants or needs anything else he must ask Sarah for the money.

2. Sarah is to be obeyed at all times. If she enters a room Toby must curtsey and wait to be told to carry on. Any disobedience will be punished.

3. Toby is responsible for food shopping, washing and ironing, cooking and washing up, room tidying, shoe cleaning and gardening.

4. Toby will keep a punishment book which will be reviewed weekly.

5. Toby will be caned for infringement of the rules. Punishments will be rare because Sarah finds it too upsetting.

Mostly punishments will be things like corner time, writing lines or being sent to the naughty step.

6. Toby will wear a chastity device, a pink CB6000, at all times. He will be allowed weekly release or more if Sarah wants to enjoy his body.

Toby cannot ask to be released and must wait for Sarah to give permission. Sarah will keep the two keys in a safe and secret place.

7. Sarah can have boyfriends and go on dates. If these guys are brought home then Toby must call them Sir.

8. Toby must be eager, clean and happy at all times. He may speak at will and enjoy a good relationship with Sarah.

Sarah doesn’t want a slave but a happy partner who is obedient.

9. Toby will be told what his opinion on any subject is. If Sarah changes her mind Toby will be told.

10. Sarah has the right to amend or add to the above rules without notice.

Toby eagerly signed the contract and we have happily lived by them ever since.

Our lovemaking is so good that I haven’t felt the need to go on any dates with other men. Why go elsewhere when it is so good at home?

One morning, after a night of passionate sex with my darling Toby I was feeling a need to be married to this wonderful man.

As I got up I turned to him and said, “let us get married, honey, soon.”

Next time I’ll tell you about our wedding day.–422659/?page=11942

