National Emergency Freedom School Bus Tour, Day 1: Buffalo


Today dozens of leaders from the New York State Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival traveled from around the state to converge on Buffalo for the first day of our National Emergency Freedom School Bus Tour. We’re on this tour to shine a light on the real national emergencies going on in our state today: systemic racism, poverty, militarism, environmental destruction, and the distorted moral narrative that enforces these evils.

We started off with a song, proclaiming that we are the new unsettling force for liberation in our time!

Then we went to visit Broderick Park, the site of a crossing to Canada on the Underground Railroad used by Harriet Tubman and other abolitionists before the Civil War. We spent some time learning about and reflecting on this history before holding a moment of silence for the 51st anniversary of the death of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I know that the people who journeyed across these waters are in these waters. These waters are sacred.” –Ms. Barr

We ended the evening learning more about who was in the room and who we are bringing with us on this tour from our communities and our histories, and then we learnt more from our hosts about the real emergencies going on in Buffalo today.

Here are some more powerful photos of the day:

Continue to follow this space over the next few days for more updates on our #TruthAndPovertyTour in New York State, or follow us on Twitter at New York State Poor People's Campaign or like us on Facebook here to get real-time updates on our tour!

All Photos Credit: Steve Pavey, #HopeInFocus



New York State Poor People's Campaign

People from New York State coming together to defeat the evils of systemic racism, poverty, militarism & ecological devastation... join us! #PoorPeoplesCampaign