Cogitationes Pt 2: Orderly Chaos

Sooraj Ram
3 min readMar 15, 2024


My thoughts are often erratic — and that’s the reason why I always type them out whenever I have something meaningful on my mind. Now I have 2342 notes (including this one) on my phone. In the beginning, I thought the count was very encouraging but after reading through each one of them — I got worried whether I’d somehow lose access to them. That’s why I felt Medium is a perfect place to store them.

Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash

On one hand, such posts would perfectly live up to the platform’s name — Medium-sized, and on the other — no matter what, I will have these preserved in a safe place (unless on one fine day, they decide to shut down this website).

1. The moment you seek validation, you become invalid.

If we keep greed aside, the law of the world tells us — we seek what we don’t have (like how Poor people seek money). Similarly, I have always felt that someone ends up seeking validation only when they have an inherent feeling that they’re not good enough — or majorly because of their insecurity. Because getting validated/appreciated by someone is vastly different from seeking validation/appreciation.

2. What’s left of me never seems right, despite most of my past spent envisioning a future so bright.

This is for those like me who spent the bulk of their college days not only studying but also working — just so that they get an early exposure to corporate (How I went from College to Corporate). The good thing about that is — Yes, definitely it helps: I can vouch for that! The other side — well, it forces you to strive for more and makes you feel “it’s not enough”: which is also a good thing if taken in the right sense.

3. Your clarity/negativity becomes your best gift if you can realize the world is full of shit.

Let’s face it — the world is full of shit. Only those who accept it, and expect the least from anyone/anything — can move forward in life. The rest — they still think as if salt and sugar are the same (like how Joker says) — only to get disappointed after they have a taste of it. That’s why clarity is important — and if it helps you realize the world is shit: your clarity itself is your superpower!

4. The concept of happiness saddens me, but I never let this sadness come home with me.

This is a part of a longer poetry I’ve written on the Concept of Happiness. If you haven’t read it — you can do so here — but for those who just want to get to the point — the concept of happiness, according to me is to be happy while hoping for a better afterlife — which in itself is tragic. However, I would never show my sadness to those close to me — because I don’t want to ruin their happiness.

5. Sometimes I pity those who talk — talk shit about others like how dogs bark.

Taken from my piece on Naysayers. Simply put — I am surprised to see people who have so much time that they talk shit about others. Not only that, they go to an extent that makes people have a different perception of others. Like how if we don’t pay attention to the dogs barking — it’ll stop, naysayers are the same. If we stop giving them attention or pondering over what they are doing — they will stop.



Sooraj Ram

Early 20s, Engineer, Data Analytics, Writing, and Blogger @ Let I be known to me, and unbeknownst to many...