“Portrait of a Small Boy Reading” by Gluyas Williams

A Reading List About Reading

Nicole Zhu
3 min readAug 8, 2014

An ongoing list of things I read related to reading:

I’ve read a book a week for the last 24 weeks and this is the reason why I started (and how I’ve kept it up).

“Days in prison have a sameness to them, and my most meaningful and frequent conversations were with authors.”

MIT Media Lab researchers share their thoughts on how reading science fiction can be a way for designers and innovators to both think of new technologies and anticipate their impact on society.

How reading experiences are crafted with typography — with considerations for designing on screens.

Can TV shows like The Wire be compared to the classics of Charles Dickens? Author Mohsin Hamid argues “television is the old novel” but travels in the “opposite direction.”

While more and more people design for reading on devices, others are returning to the idea of fostering community around the physical book by building Little Free Libraries where the motto is “take a book, leave a book.”

What do I love more than Chipotle? Chipotle teaming up with amazing writers to bring 2 minute literature to the masses. My favorites so far have been (really) short stories by Judd Apatow and George Saunders.

I remember being at a literary festival a few years ago when I heard someone say that the power of books is that you read them at a specific time and place in your life. Learning to reread books may help you change your appreciation or interpretation of the text, but it may also create an entirely new experience.

Targeting on-the-go and perennially busy readers in the digital age, Rooster aims to redesign the way we consume fiction: reading books in 20 minute installments on mobile devices.

Although I don’t use Goodreads, this is an interesting look at how to build a community experience around a typically solitary activity. Plus, there’s a pretty cool interview with the founders of Goodreads.

