How to bet against the Crypto Bubble?

Anton Tenitsky
2 min readDec 27, 2017


All of us in cryptocurrency trading have concerns about peaking Bitcoin/Ethereum/Litecoin price. Breaking record after record crypto is climbing in a straight line to the sky.

Anybody with some knowledge of the financial markets has a reason to believe that it can’t go on forever. Sooner or later it’s going into a correction.

Personally, I’m a strong believer in a blockchain technology. It is here to stay. But we’ve seen this situation with a dotcom bubble where early Internet companies got overheated and surged in stock price only to follow with a brutal crash. Eventually, Internet matured and markets have stabilized with fair stock pricing and expectations.

Right now situation repeats itself with new revolutionary technology being all over the news but not really widespread and adopted in real-life application.

This is a receipt for disaster.

What to do about it? How to protect your investment? Is there a way to be ahead and even profit from a future crisis?

You need to find financial tools that will answer these question.

You can protect your crypto investment by investing in USDT created by Tether. That will keep it freely available to withdraw when needed with a price locked to the value US dollar.

But if you want to bet against the market and profit from the future crisis where everybody else will loose USDT is not an answer. While you can predict that Tether will emit many more millions of their cryptodollars during the bubble burst, you are not part of Tether to profit from the trading commissions they will earn.

And here comes our ICO. At CryptF we are following USDT path by creating crypto coins backed by stocks and bonds. We will create a possibility for our customers to invest in large international markets with a good growth opportunity for their holdings. And when the times go bad for Bitcoin we will attract thousands of new clients and dramatically expand our profit.

You can start betting against the Big Bubble by joining our ICO today!

Sincerely yours,
Anton Tenitsky
CryptF CEO

P.S. Please, ask us anything in our Telegram group

