Media Release: Safe Adventures for Queen’s Birthday Weekend

NZ Mountain Safety
2 min readMay 27, 2020


The New Zealand Mountain Safety Council are predicting a huge surge in outdoor recreation activities over Queen’s Birthday weekend as the country enjoys the first extended weekend since lockdown was lifted.

Historically, Queen’s Birthday weekend sees a spike in tramping incidents with three times as many search and rescues and injuries occurring compared to a normal weekend. While a portion of these can be attributed to higher participation that is not the only contributing factor.

Mountain Safety Council Chief Executive Mike Daisley says “over a long weekend we see changes in participation patterns, people explore new places, they go a little further or a little harder, it’s seen as an opportunity to extend yourself and tick off that more challenging trip”.

Be ready for winter conditions

However this year the MSC have identified some new factors which they believe could exacerbate the situation. “We’ve been cooped up inside for nearly two months, a lot has changed in that time, winter is here, the days are shorter and our fitness levels may have suffered. Additionally, we’re seeing a lot of promotion about getting out and exploring the country, going to new places and trying new things, says Daisley”

These things are absolutely needed as the country recovers from the economic impacts of COVID-19 but we urge those planning trips to add some extra time into their planning and preparation.”

Be ready for shorter days

“If you’re going to a new area, or trying something different — perhaps that’s a longer trip or your first overnighter, allow some extra time to plan things out. Pack an extra warm layer, ensure you’ve shared your trip plans, check the weather forecast and understand what that’ll mean to you, all those things you should normally be doing but may be a little rusty on seeing as we’ve been out of the hills for so long.”

Daisley says the MSC has recently launched a new video campaign to coincide with the move to level 2 and transition to winter, something he says is a unique set of circumstances “‘Ready, Set, Go’ is about showcasing the awesome places we have to explore in NZ through a positive safety message. We want everyone to get out, but to make sure they’re ready to go, before setting off.”

Start preparing for your weekend adventure >>

— New Zealand Mountain Safety Council 2020 —



NZ Mountain Safety

For over 50 years MSC has been NZ’s national organisation promoting safety in land based outdoor activities #MakeItHomeNZ |