6 min readFeb 12, 2024


What is the visual design principle?

Visual design principles are guidelines that help designers create interfaces that are intuitive, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing for users. Color is an important part of the visual design principle.

What is color in the visual design principle?

Color is a fundamental element in visual design principles. It refers to hues, tones, and shades to convey information, evoke emotions, and create visual interest. In visual design, color has six fundamental principles:

  • Principle of Color Harmony
  • Principle of Color Contrast
  • Principle of Psychology
  • Principle of Color Accessibility
  • Principle of Color differentiation for data visualization
  • Principle of Visual Hierarchy.

Below, I combined three colors that live in harmony with respect to the first principle listed above.

1. #C5F9D7

The color #C5F9D7 is a light, pastel shade of green with a slight blue undertone. This light green-blue hue evokes feelings of calmness and serenity. The softness and neutrality of this color make it versatile and adaptable to various design contexts. It can be used as a primary color to establish a calming and harmonious visual identity or as an accent color to add a pop of freshness to a design palette.

2. #F7D486

The color #F7D486 is a warm, muted shade of orange with a hint of yellow. This warm, golden-orange hue exudes a sense of warmth and comfort. It can evoke feelings of coziness, like a sunset's glow or a crackling fire's warmth. The boldness and vibrancy of this color make it highly attention-grabbing. It can draw users’ attention quickly and effectively, making it useful for highlighting important elements or calls to action within a design.

3. #F27A7D

The color #F27A7D is a vibrant pinkish-red shade, often described as coral or salmon. This bold and vibrant hue exudes passion, energy, and enthusiasm. It can evoke feelings of excitement and vitality, similar to the rush of adrenaline. The vibrancy and intensity of this color make it highly attention-grabbing. It stands out prominently against other elements in a design, drawing users’ eyes and directing their focus.

#C5F9D7, #F7D486, #F27A7D

These colors, #C5F9D7, #F7D486, and #F27A7D, when combined as shown above, can create a visually dynamic and harmonious color scheme with a range of emotional and aesthetic effects. These colors create a balanced and engaging visual composition. The soft green blue provides a soothing backdrop, while the warm orange and bold pinkish red add vibrancy and excitement.

1. #030303

#030303 is a very dark shade of gray, almost black. Dark colors can also evoke feelings of moodiness and mystery. They create a sense of depth and intrigue, inviting users to explore further. The deep darkness of #030303 adds a level of drama and intensity to the design.

2. #FF715B

#FF715B is a vivid shade of red-orange. This vibrant red-orange hue exudes passion, energy, and excitement. It evokes feelings of intensity and enthusiasm, similar to the warmth of a blazing fire. Red-orange is a highly attention-grabbing color. Its boldness and vibrancy make it stand out prominently within a design, drawing users’ attention quickly and effectively.


#FFFFFF represents pure white, the absence of any hue. White is often associated with cleanliness, simplicity, and purity. In design, the use of pure white can create a minimalist aesthetic, emphasizing clarity and reducing visual clutter. White is considered a neutral color, meaning it pairs well with virtually any other color in a design palette.

The combination of the colors #030303, #FF715B, and #FFFFFF results in a visually dynamic palette with dramatic contrast, warm accents, and a modern aesthetic. When used thoughtfully, this combination can create engaging and visually appealing designs that effectively communicate information and capture users’ attention.

1. #FE4A49

#FE4A49 is a bold and intense shade of red with a slight hint of orange. Red is often associated with strong emotions such as passion, excitement, and urgency. Red is one of the most attention-grabbing colors in the spectrum. Its boldness and intensity make it highly effective at capturing users’ attention quickly.

2. #2AB7CA

#2AB7CA is a vibrant shade of cyan blue. This color can create a sense of calmness and serenity within a design, similar to the feeling of being near a peaceful body of water. It also evokes a sense of relaxation and clarity.

3. #FED766

#FED766 is a bright, vivid shade of yellow with a slight orange undertone. While yellow is often considered a warm color, this particular shade, with its slight orange undertone, enhances its warmth. It can create a cozy and welcoming ambiance, similar to the glow of candlelight or the warmth of a sunset. The brightness and boldness of this color make it highly attention-grabbing. It can draw users’ attention quickly and effectively.

The combination of bright red (#FE4A49) and vibrant cyan (#2AB7CA) creates a strong contrast that immediately grabs attention. The addition of the vivid yellow-orange (#FED766) adds another layer of energy and dynamism to the color scheme. Overall, the combination of #FE4A49 (red), #2AB7CA (cyan), and #FED766 (yellow-orange) creates a visually stunning and attention-grabbing color scheme that can be used to evoke a sense of energy, dynamism, and positivity in a design.

1. #2B2D42

The color #2B2D42 is a dark, muted shade of blue-gray. Blue is commonly associated with stability, trustworthiness, and professionalism. The inclusion of blue tones in this color can instill a sense of confidence in users, making them feel secure and reassured when interacting with any design. #2B2D42 can have a significant impact on users, conveying a sense of simplicity, stability, and sophistication.

2. #92DCE5

The color #92DCE5 is a soft, muted shade of blue with a hint of green. Blue is often associated with calmness, tranquility, and stability. This soft shade of blue-green evokes a sense of serenity and relaxation, similar to the color of a clear sky or calm ocean.

3. #F8F7F9

The color #F8F7F9 is a very light shade of gray with a subtle hint of warmth. Light gray is often associated with sophistication and professionalism. It conveys a sense of understated elegance and refinement. The subtle warmth in this shade of gray adds depth and nuance to the color, softening its appearance and making it more inviting.

The cool tones of blue in #2B2D42 and #92DCE5, combined with the softness of the off-white in #F8F7F9, evoke a sense of calmness and tranquility. This color combination creates a serene and peaceful aesthetic, similar to the feeling of a clear sky or calm waters. In summary, combining the colors #2B2D42, #92DCE5, and #F8F7F9 creates a balanced, calming, and professional color palette with cool tones and subtle contrasts.

