Fractal Geometry And How It Can Improve Our Lives

Chinwendu Nze, Author
3 min read6 days ago


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The ancient civilisations, especially in Africa like the Igbos, Edo, and other African communities, understood the concept of fractal geometry. This knowledge was displayed in how villages were built and patterned, even to individual houses. Their houses were round for a reason.

Fractal geometry is simply an observed pattern in nature where the smaller part of something, be it a leaf, is the same as the bigger one. So, it is when a part of something is the same as the whole.

So, Terence Howard is right when he says that there are no straight lines in nature but curves. These ancient people understood these things. So, it only makes sense to pattern things as seen in nature for harmonious living.

Houses patterned after fractal geometry ( an entire village shaped like an individual house)

African people have spiritual inheritance and so readily understood these things in ancient times. The spiritual is not a mind thing. But the Caucasian man is a mental man, so it made sense when what he sees is straight lines and therefore patterns things that way, which accounts for how houses and towns are planned now because he dominated.

Even with his patriarchal ideas, which further moved us away from nature because patriarchy didn't only suppress the divine feminine, which is the realm of God, but nature, which is also an extension of God. So, in doing so, it turned things upside down.

We can see exactly where we are now in every area of our lives because of it.

But I'm glad that people are seeing these things and are returning to a life that is more in oneness with nature.

I remember one time we went for a picnic in a village in Enugu near water and a stretch of beautiful sandy areas. It was my best day, and whenever I remember it, my heart still leaps with joy. I didn't understand why then, but I do now. Because it was nature. We were embraced by her warmth.

From Google

We can also see the bringing in of fractal geometry in products was actually a success for those organisations that embarked on that. What I mean is producing a big product, for instance, tooth paste, but with time they started producing smaller versions of the same product, maybe for people living alone or for people who don’t have a lot of money. The whole thing worked, and it is still working because it is the way of nature.

The essence of this write-up is to gently remind or bring our attention to this great mathematics of nature, which can help improve our lives and mental health even as we progressively move towards the new earth.

You can apply it in your business too, and in your life generally, intentionality. It also helps you see how life expands incrementally.


#fractalgeometry #wellbeing #newearth #ancientcivilizations #onenesswithnature



Chinwendu Nze, Author

Author| Writer and Authenticity Advocate | Teaching the Art of Living with Authenticity and Wholeness | Stories and Great Reads #authenticity #spirituality