Chinwendu Nze, Author
2 min readNov 18, 2023

What the bleep do we know? (Summary of the movie)

The greatest truth discovered by both science and spirituality is that we are connected (entanglement). We are all connected at the very core of our being, so my thoughts and yours affect all of us.

We are creators and have invariably created our realities.

The old way of thinking and seeing the world, both through religion and science, is no longer relevant, and we want a new way of seeing the world, and quantum physics might just be the answer.

Quantum physics seeks to know what basic life is, and they have discovered that it is just pure abstraction or pure consciousness.

Quantum physics goes backwards and forward in time as time has been discovered not to be absolute.

The experiment conducted with light particles passing through two openings showed that they interfere with each other, as in water wave interference. This fascinated the quantum physicists, and they wanted to know exactly what happened, so they introduced an observer. Then the light particular, behaved in another way because it knew that it was being watched.

This observer cannot be represented mathematically. This observer is consciousness.

Whatever way we observe the world, it comes back to us. This is what the observer experiment above told us.

We need to consciously work on our observation to gain mastery over being the observer.

What is consciousness? It is awareness of the self. It is a by-product of the spirit.

The neuron pathways in our brain get bigger with whatever we feed them, but when we change our thought patterns, that neuron pathway enlarged by negative thoughts will begin to shrink and withdraw because it is no longer being fed.

We have to change our attitude and the way we interact with our environment. If we continue to behave the same way, we will continue to reinforce who we are not (our false selves).

We have to move out of the way of the area of the brain that associates with people, events, and places that produce how we perceive ourselves.

#summary #movie #whatthebleepdoweknow #quantumphysics #science #spirituality

Chinwendu Nze, Author

Author| Writer and Authenticity Advocate | Teaching the Art of Living with Authenticity and Wholeness | Stories and Great Reads #authenticity #spirituality