IPHONE Batteries & Screen Repairs Auckland

NZ Electronics Repair
3 min readOct 18, 2022


When was the last time you did a backup on your phone? Or, have you ever felt worried about what could happen to your phone if it got wet? These are just some of the things to think about when caring for your iphone battery. You might also want to look into screen repair Auckland.

Important Things to Consider

When getting your iphone 7 plus battery replacement Auckland or screen repaired, it is important to consider a few things:

-The quality of the replacement parts. Make sure to get high-quality replacement parts from a reputable source.

-The experience of the technician. Find a technician who has experience repairing iPhones and ask to see examples of their work.

-The warranty. Make sure to get a warranty on the repairs in case something goes wrong.

What is an IPHONE?

An iPhone is a smartphone that was created and designed by Apple Inc. It was first released on June 29, 2007, and has since become one of the most popular devices on the market. The iPhone runs on a mobile operating system called iOS, which is exclusive to Apple devices.

The iPhone has a variety of features that make it unique, such as its multitouch screen, which allows users to navigate with their fingers instead of a stylus or mouse; its sleek design; and its many built-in applications, such as Maps and Camera.

Why Replace Your IPhone Battery?

Your iPhone battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at 500 complete charge cycles.

If your iPhone is regularly running out of juice before the end of the day, or you’re seeing the “low battery” notification more often than you’d like, it might be time for a new battery. Replacing your iPhone battery will not only help it hold a charge better, but can also improve performance. A new battery can make your device feel snappier and can even help prolong its overall life.

Where to Get Repairs

There are a few options for where to get your iphone 7 battery replacement Auckland. The first is to go directly to the Apple store. This is usually the most expensive option, but you are guaranteed to get high-quality service and parts.

Another option is to go to a third-party repair shop. These shops are often cheaper than going to the Apple store, but you may not get the same level of service or quality of parts.

Finally, you can try fixing it yourself! If you’re feeling brave and have some experience with electronics repairs, this can be a great option. Just be sure to do your research before attempting any repairs, as you don’t want to damage your phone further.

Insurance and Warranty

When it comes to iPhone batteries and screen repairs, you want to make sure that you are covered in case something goes wrong. That’s why it’s important to know about insurance and warranties.

Most insurance policies will cover accidental damage, so if you drop your phone and crack the screen, you should be covered. However, it’s always a good idea to check with your insurer to see what is and isn’t covered.


Although there are many options for iPhone batteries and screen repairs in Auckland, we believe that our shop offers the best quality of service and products. We use only the highest quality parts for our repairs, and our team of experienced technicians are committed to providing excellent customer service. If you’re in need of an iPhone battery or screen repair in Auckland, please come and visit us at our store!

