Nzeribe Emmanuella
3 min readMar 26, 2018

The Journey of Self Discovery.

Self Discovery is simply a process of acquiring insights about oneself. this could involve digging deep into one’s childhood experiences. indeed the journey of self discovery is an unending one which comes with a lot of consequences. Ralph Ellison said… ‘ when I discover who I am; I will be free’.

This Journey comes with fear, confusion , misunderstanding, doubt; especially at the beginning stages. To begin with; Do you know yourself? Are you clear about certain things you want to achieve? what makes you happy? what are you resisting or attaching yourself to? what makes you weep and what makes you joyous? I believe the more we retract into our closets to answer these questions and other more; the more we get close to knowing who we really are as well as the reason why we are in this world. I always tell friends that we are not in this generation{21st Century} by chance and if it is by chance then we should have been born in the 15th or 16th century or during Martin Luther King ‘s time not Trump’s time.

Self Discovery has a relation with the law of attraction. Yes! I am saying this because indeed if you really do not have any idea of who you are then you have no clarity in what you want or seek and hence attracting the right people will seem difficult.

I consciously started this journey at 18 and I have come to understand that there are basically a few things which I believe can hinder one from discovering yourself in a way that one ought to.

  1. Being afraid to find faults. this is just like viewing the microscope and finding out what I call ‘demons’ and in the end this could leave you thinking you are worthless. No, you are not. Remember you are not a perfect being. So instead of staying unaware of these faults why not consciously work on them.
  2. Lack of Self love: how can we possibly love ourselves especially when we probably haven’t experienced love from childhood or something. We find ourselves somehow craving for social acceptance. So with this;I worked on loving myself the way I am as well as trying to build my self esteem and confidence.
  3. Easily distracted: A lot of times; we live busy lives with a lot of noise and stress. This in a way could make you have less time for some form of reflection. Most times; it is good to ‘get away’ to do some retreating. Aside that; forming the habit of reflecting during the early hours of the day and before going to bed helps you stay in track.

It is time to come out of that comfort zone, time to confront those weakness that you might have been shying away from because they reveal the separation from the Real YOU. Always know that the real you is an authentic, loving and nurturing self.

Nzeribe Emmanuella

Health Enthusiast| Big lover of books| I basically write to myself and share