How to Look Forward to Monday Mornings

Nikki Zimbler
3 min readApr 3, 2019

by Nikki Zimbler

We all adore that Friday feeling, that wonderful countdown to the end of the workweek, for people working a typical 5-day schedule. We feel a surge of excitement as we approach the final hour of the week and look forward to two entire days off and a Friday night to either chill or party.

We crave those two beautiful mornings where we don’t have to set an alarm or have to get on the same train or deal with the same colleagues and clients.

How many of you get that awful feeling in the pit of your stomach sometime late on a Sunday afternoon, knowing that in just a few hours you will be setting your alarm for what is commonly known as the “Monday morning blues”?

What if you could get out of that rut and actually look forward to your Monday mornings? Here are just some of the ways to make Mondays exciting again:

Monday Lunch

Make Monday lunch arrangements at least twice a month with a friend that lifts you and laughs with you — a person that you can truly be yourself with and look forward to seeing.

Monday Supper Club

Take it one step further and have a Supper Club with a group of uplifting, fun friends — once or twice a month, pick a different restaurant to try out. Many restaurants have great discount deals so check online for coupons and promos.

Get Dressed Up

Don’t opt for your usual work outfit on a Monday — wear a bright top, some accessories, perhaps heels and a spray of your favourite perfume.

Cupcake Breakfast

You have the rest of the week to be healthy — start the week off with a decadent cupcake, perhaps a cheeky pain au chocolat, or get up 20 minutes earlier and sit in a café with a lavish latte and a magazine.

Treat yourself — for breakfast!

Wednesday Movie Night

Okay, so you can’t cram everything fun into a Monday, so pre-book a cinema trip for midweek. Popcorn, reclining seats — with or without company, go and lose yourself in the fantasy of a great film.

Spa Spoils

Buy some lavender oil or a face mask over the weekend to put on when you get home on Monday night. Maybe some bath salts or body scrub.

Sunday Positivity

Prep for your Monday morning mentally and physically by getting your Monday outfit ready in advance and your office bag packed whilst playing some funky music. Perhaps make a call to an uplifting friend or family member to end the weekend on a high.

Lighten the Load

Don’t schedule lots of meetings on a Monday, save those for later in the week.


As much as it might hurt initially, set your alarm for 30 minutes earlier than usual and go for a 20-minute power walk or do an online workout. Workout for Women is an amazing app that requires no gym equipment and has 7, 14, 20 and 28-minute workouts and a progress tracker. Get those endorphins flowing.

Half Empty or Half Full?

Half full of course!!! New week, new potential — see each Monday as a chance to approach a project with a new perspective and renewed enthusiasm.

Cheer Others Up

Surprise your colleagues with a little treat — maybe some mini muffins, or a small pot of carrots and hummus. Their appreciative smiles will be contagious.

Love It or Leave It

If you try all of the above and still have that feeling of dread several months later, then ask yourself why you feel this way. Your job is such a huge part of your life that you really should be enjoying it most of the time. Maybe it’s time to change things up.

Here’s to your next wonderful Monday morning!



Nikki Zimbler

Nomadic Traveller with a film and music obsession. Insta: @travelnik