World Fusion Cuisine

Oybek Makhasher
2 min readJan 31, 2016


World Fusion Cuisine is a dream of mine. A dream where the origin of technique, and the origin of the ingredient should not limit the potential of an overall flavour and texture of a dish.

It is a Dream of mine to be able to Master the Traditional Kaiseki Cuisine, yet using it in a non-traditional way, a European way. It is a dream, no. It is a working idea of mine on making a extremely traditional French dish with a modern twist. Using ingredients and techniques that exist beyond France.

I respect the Traditional Cuisines from across the Globe but at the same time I as a Cook was never traditionally trained by a French or Italian Chef, or institution.

I am a young cook who just happened to grow up in a extremely multicultural environment, and naturally I began to feed of the Mixed Cultures around me. I loved the simplicity of Japanese food and the punch of Chinese. I love the richness of French and a humble flavours of Italian. I love the freshness of Mediterranean and the Extremely seasonal of Nordic. Slowly appreciating the Indian(was never my 1st choice as a kid).

I find each Cuisine unique and awesome in its own way. I would love to learn, I would love to master all the necessary culinary techniques. Develop the most sensitive, yet strong palate so then I Can create a True One World Cuisine. The World Fusion Cuisine. Where the Flavours, Textures, and the Techniques are United and Balanced to create the Most memorable and Life changing dinning experience. An experience that would draw peoples curiosity of what is on a plate and make them want to comeback, and experience it once more.

