Olga Smirnova
1 min readJul 2, 2016


Esperanto is not an easy language: English is much simpler.

If we want a European language for ourselves, English is the best candidate: it does not use fancy letters, has many internationally recognized words, is both very flexible, precise and morphologically simple. Esperanto just parrots older European languages, such as French & co. with all their idiocies. Tell me, when you saw a person speaking fluent French in the last time? It’s because French is difficult, and comparing to it, English can be taken up effortlessly, as its 2+ billion speakers worldwide can prove.

Esperanto was a cute toy in the decadent Europe when people know nothing about themselves because they never have been proved by the crucible of war. After two wars, people grew enough to love their lives and they need to toy languages for themselves. Only then the mania of creating ‘simple’ and ‘international’ languages finally abated.

In the XXI century there are much more pleasant things than dusty and moldy and old-fashioned linguoprojects from 1800's.

