Alone in a new city — Saga #2: Sitting Pretty

6 min readJan 18, 2016


You know when you spend the night in a place outside of your own home and you wake up and your equilibrium is all off? That was me on Tuesday morning. First of all, why is there someone in my house? I’ve lived on my own so long that I had to remind myself that my lease is only 6 months. Oh and this is definitely not my townhouse it is hers. Like I said previously, she is courteous. I think our approach to this living situation is; we are both adults, living together and we don’t need to be friends just respectful. It takes me a minute to open up to people as well. So for the most part we do our own thing and talk in the kitchen.

You start missing your stuff, when your stuff is better. No shade, but my couches are comfy, warm and inviting. How she has the living room set up is the complete opposite. I rock with the kitchen table, it’s not mine, but it works. However, the living room has tiny furniture that is not really comfortable and it is all pushed into a corner. There is no art anywhere. It’s bland.

The one thing about living with your landlord, which is a pro for them, is that you start weighing the things you ask for. Two of the lights in my bathroom are blown. Also, the drapery rod is broken in my room. Both of those I just left alone. What I really needed to know was, what’s up with the recycle bin? I live in a town-home where it’s seemingly easy to get one, so I had to ask her. She said “I am not sure, I was wondering that myself.” Not an answer. I went and found the answer myself and am having it delivered. Damn she wins again.

I work from home. My land-mate (landlord+roommate), I need a one word name) told me that the internet was out and wouldn’t be fixed until Friday. Annoying! On the flip side, I would be able to be out and about while doing my work while exploring Houston. I tried a local coffee shop, but they only had one table and it was occupied. So, Starbucks it was. I went to the same Starbucks 3 days that week. For two of those days, I worked outside. I was thrilled!

Sitting outside in December, Because Houston

On Friday, I went to the library. I love libraries, and you don’t have to pay to do your work, like you do in coffee shops where you have to order something. I do not love this library. I appreciate it though, but it is not as jazzy as I’d like. It’s just a bit outdated, and its workspaces are not conducive to grindin’.

My goal is to do one social activity a week. As I write this, I see that this goal is kind of weak. In its low number (why only one?) and excitement. I remember, one year my goal was to do, experience, and explore something new each week. That was pretty cool. Let’s just say my current goal needs to be reworked, but you get the premise.

Now, I know the blog is called Alone in a New City, but I do have two friends here. One is a relatively new friend, met her in the summer of 2013 and the other I’ve known for 16 years. New friend stays crazy busy and my other friend is married with a toddler and he is a guy. So it’s hard just to chill with him for a variety of reasons. His life is currently ruled by his wife and toddler. I know things change when you get married and have a baby. It is also an adjustment for your friends. We have the most platonic friendship there is. It’s annoying to me that he and I can’t just hang out and that the perception would always fall on me that I am overstepping the grounds whether or not he asks me to hang or if I ask him if it is just he and I. This is extremely unnerving to me because it plays to this idea that men do not know any better in terms of right and wrong. In the end, it will be a good opportunity to get to know her. It is just that sometimes you just want to chill with someone who knows you.

My friend told me we should do happy hour that week. I suppose I’ll have to start naming folks. So we will call her Abena, not Jane (my friend who I met in the summer of 2013). She later tells me she can’t make it. She does this a couple of hours before the event, only after I inquire as to some details. I wonder, would she have mentioned it, if I didn’t ask. She urges me to find someone to go with because it is really fun. I roll my eyes to this. I’ve been here two days! So I go alone.

It is at a restaurant/lounge and as I am driving I am appreciating the sights in this part of town. The pristine look of the streets, the palm trees, the couture shops, and the white Christmas lights. I get there and ask for the lounge, knowingly the hostess points me in the right direction. She has this look, like I just cracked the code to a speakeasy. So I’m thinking, okay cool this happy hour is going to be fun with people socializing and moving about. It is not. There is one group of people in the lounge in reserved seating who are laughing it up and everyone else is sitting around the bar in their groups of two. I’ve been set up.

I promised myself that I would not pull out my phone.

I would act comfortable.

I’ve gone to a restaurant before on a busy night and ate alone, however I knew what I was getting in to. This was a total ambush. I order a glass of wine, and am happy that the server didn’t wait to ascertain whether the glass was sufficient, it is always a bit uncomfortable, maybe because I’m not a pro. I was also offended, why didn’t he wait for me to do the 5 S’s of tasting wine (he definitely waited for the man next to me, who sent his glass back). How did he not know if I was a critic or a secret shopper (which I am, but wasn’t evaluating that night). Whatever. I scan the menu, all entrees are $35+. Watch who you get recommendations from. My thing is, if I am going to eat like this, which to me is expensive, it will be a thoroughly vetted restaurant that I want to go to, not a random happy hour spot. It was too late, I was hungry and wanted dinner. I was going to eat before but couldn’t because I took that extra time getting ready, since it was my first night alone on the town.

I am not a big seafood person and it was a seafood restaurant. I am trying to get in to it because it’s healthier but nothing really spoke to me. I got a salad with some fish on top. It’s not important. This dude is looking at me and it’s not the same look as the other guy who just seems curious if I was here alone. Is he going to come over here and say something? Is that awkward? Since he doesn’t know if I am alone. But damn, shit or get off the pot. I give guys credit for the initial stages in the courting process as the onus is generally more on them. The bar is not linear it is circular, and everyone would be watching I suppose. Wine glass two is here. I think I drink faster when I am alone, it’s something to do. The bread was delicious. The salad was good too actually. I scraped the plate with both. I take my time. I left an hour after I came. I wanted to be still in a little of my discomfort. After all, moving to a new city alone will likely be ripe with it.




Singularly exploring my new abode while constantly fighting my Friday-night-in tendencies.