Experience the world class safari Accomodation with Ombeni African Safaris

Ombeni Safaris
3 min readSep 1, 2018


Ombeni African Safaris offers the world class safari accommodation for the peace and pleasure of both your mind and your body. We offer the best spotting sites to visit and encounter the rarely seen wildlife species. Our expert guides always surprise you with their knowledge and the best technique to find the most iconic wild animals. You can witness the great Wildebeest Migration of Tanzania, for which the Travelers from the world come to visit Tanzania. This great Migration starts with the beginning of rain. Such that, rain is kind of starter for wild grazers in search of fresh grazing lands and better quality water. This movement performs throughout the year and lasts from where it has been started. This annual migration is not just an act for the wildebeests, Thomson’s gazelles, Elands, and zebras but also provide many crucial chances for hungry predators such as lions, leopards and hyenas on the Serengeti land with large crocs of Mbalageti River waiting for their toll to for their grand feast. Not only for the predators but also for the wildlife watchers, this great movement provides lots of amazing scenes filled with thrill and suspense.

To witness the great wildebeest migration is an achievement in itself. It describes the beauty of the nature and life-cycle of the wild animals which are necessarily required to be uninterrupted by the humans. With the witnessing of the wild species, Ombeni Safaris also offers the world-class luxurious amenities at its uniquely styled lodges. We take care of the comfort and relaxation of our travelers. We try to provide each of our traveler, a VIP experience. Here, you can enjoy in our bars, taste the delicious cuisines of our restaurants and relax in our elegant pools while watching the wildlife from the inside of the secured lodges. These lodges are secured from the outside wilderness with crawled fences and wooden barricades which avoids the wild animals to enter the lodge and offer you the unstoppable enjoyment and relaxation. This world class Safari accommodation can only be provided by the Ombeni African Safaris.

Ombeni Safaris are completely devoted to the wildlife reserve and the travelers’ experience. We provide our highest efforts and top class amenities to make your safari experience, the unforgettable experience of the life. We wait for your welcome and always ready to offer you with a new experience each time. From picking you up to the landing into Tanzania, offering you the great views of wildlife to the rolling on the inadequate road Serengeti National Parks in our specially designed land cruisers and leaving you for the relaxation at our luxurious lodges. There’s no way of disappointment with Ombeni African Safaris.

You will find yourself grateful for your wonder Safari experience and for our best offerings. You will bring many extraordinary memories to your home. So, what are you waiting for? Just book one of the wonderful Ombeni African Safaris for your vacation and experience the world class Safari accommodation filled with joy and pleasure of life.



Ombeni Safaris

Ombeni African Safari always works for the convenience of the tourists, therefore they uniquely designed lodges full of all the luxurious amenities.