How Junk Food Can Affect Your Dental Health

4 min readDec 1, 2022

We all have cravings that we can’t always control. Junk food has become a part of our life as we want foods that satisfy our taste buds. But little do we know that constant consumption of junk food affects our physical health and teeth. Surprised? Did you think all this time that brushing your teeth would help you get rid of dental problems?- Then, my friend, I suppose you might be wrong. Junk food results in oral bacteria accumulating in your teeth when you intake carbohydrate-rich foods. So here’s your guide to understanding how eating junk food destroys oral health.

What Junk Foods Cause Dental Problems?

Sour Candies

It’s not surprising that sour candies are bad for your teeth. It’s something that we have been hearing since our childhood, but little did we follow it. Sour candies comprise various acidic substances that are tough on your teeth. Chewing these candies for a long time gets stuck in your teeth and eventually causes decay. Instead of sour candies, try having chocolates you can chew and wash conveniently.


Needless to say, alcoholic beverages are not suitable for your oral health, and they’re not good for your physical health either. Also, alcohol causes dry mouth, which lacks saliva. Now saliva is crucial as it keeps the teeth healthy and prevents food from sticking to your teeth. But with alcohol, your mouth dries out, which eventually causes complications.

Carbonated Drinks

We all love having soda or pop, but everything we eat isn’t good. Dentists have found that drinking large quantities of carbonated soda can damage your teeth. It has been found that carbonated drinks enable plaque to produce more acid that attacks tooth enamel. If you consume carbonated beverages daily, you essentially coat your teeth in acid, causing dry mouth and less saliva. Not only this, having dark-colored sodas can even cause tooth discoloration.

Sugary Cereal

Most of us start our day with a bowl of cereal, thinking it’s healthy. Consuming cereal leaves you feeling hungry within an hour due to a lack of protein content in it. Also, these cereals contain added sugar, which contributes to dental erosion and gum disease.

Potato Chips

The crunchy taste of potato chips is so satisfying. We’re sorry to tell you that potato chips are bad for oral health too. It’s because chips contain a lot of starch, which becomes sugar when it gets trapped between your teeth. As a result, it becomes a source of plaque and bacteria that accumulates in your teeth.

White bread and starchy foods

Refined carbs like white rice or white bread contribute to poor oral health. If you consume white bread daily, it results in producing enamel-eroding acid, which destroys your teeth and gums badly. It also contains added sugar, which is a significant source of bacteria and leads to plaque accumulation.

How Does Junk Food Affect Your Dental Health?

Over the years, fast food has become a staple of modern eating. But we often tend to ignore the warning signs of our dental health that are caused due to junk food consumption. For instance, consuming foods rich in salt and sugar is bad for oral health. When you eat salty or sugary food, the debris gets stuck into your teeth, which often does not go away even after brushing. Once you consume fast food constantly, it leads to tooth decay and cavities. Also, having a poor diet is another cause of damaged teeth. Because of these junk foods, sometimes the debris stuck in your teeth forms acids, destroying your teeth. It’s followed by plaque buildup that leads to further problems like dental caries and gum disease. Ultimately, it leads to a collection of pus at the end of the teeth and gums.

Tips To Control Your Junk Food Cravings

We cannot deny that food cravings are something we can’t avoid. But consuming these foods for a longer time leads to bad oral health. So, to control your food cravings for better oral health, you can follow these steps:

  • There’s nothing better way of handling cravings than planning your meals and snacks ahead of time. So, instead of ordering food, consume food made at home and avoid grabbing that burger you like.
  • When shopping for food, it’s essential to shop for dairy, meat, and fish instead of highly processed food. Once you start following the routine of having vegetables, fruits, dairy, and heart, you will be able to get all the necessary nutrients.
  • Eating healthy fats is considered the best way to handle your food cravings. Some notable instances of healthy fat include nuts and avocado, which you can eat with a homemade salad dressing with olive oil and vinegar. You should avoid trans fat and limit yourself from eating saturated fats.
  • Try eating fruits that are filled with vitamins and antioxidants. It tends to constitute fiber that slows and balances the effects on your blood sugar.

The Bottom Line

Junk foods worsen your dental health in every possible way. Not only does it affect your dental health, but it also affects your body weight. If you don’t stop, overeating junk food will lead to problems like gum disease, which can worsen in every possible way. Don’t let your guilty pleasures turn into pain, and visit your dental office for expert guidance on avoiding junk food.

