Insights from the first Oasis — MetaMind Blockchain Accelerator Roadshow:


This event was hosted by us at the Oasis — MetaMind Blockchain Accelerator, on Zoom as part of our (virtual) Roadshow en route to the launch of the first accelerator cohort: 2/2/22!

We’re providing a series of info sessions & educational events around the Oasis Protocol Foundation & technology — but also a chance to hear from the best minds & leaders in Crypto & Blockchain!

For THIS event we heard from the Oasis Protocol Foundation itself with Ekin Tuna speaking on the huge amount of announcements from Oasis recently, including the first Decentralised Exchange on Oasis with Yuzu Swap (, the DeFi MOOC from Dawn Song, founder of Oasis ( and the HUGE news of the $160 Million Ecosystem Fund! (

The new Ecosystem Fund from Oasis

We also heard from Mahmoud Deghaim from Castalise (pioneering privacy-first data marketplaces), the amazing MassChallenge & Y Combinator alumnus Oleg Giberstein from CoinRule (automated trading made easy) and well-known figure in the scene, Adi Ben-Ari from Applied Blockchain (industry leading Blockchain experts).

They talked about how to keep up with such a fast moving industry and what we have learnt from the past, how to prepare for the future, and how to keep up with the sheer pace of developments — alongside insider info and predictions for the future!

In the Roadshow event, we also introduced our new Oasis — MetaMind Blockchain Accelerator & how it can help the new generation of Blockchain & web3 entrepreneurs & devs take their Blockchain projects to the next level!

Check out the recording below — and some of the key take-home points after the jump:

Corporate/Institutional Involvement is Changing

Oleg Giberstein: To give an example, Citigroup and Goldman Sachs put out some fantastic research/content on the DeFi 2.0 players, including Alchemix & Olympus Protocol, really very early on in the game — quite impressive!

For institutional uses, we’re starting to see deeper levels of understanding from the very get-go.

On the other side, with Aave starting to come up with Permissioned Pools for KYC/AML type of structures, there’s a regulatory risk being overcome by these players due to the huge appetite from institutions, so we expect that to lead a lot of the engagement.

Adi Ben-Ari: The WAY these players are currently engaging, they’re coming from the outside — primarily based on the yield they see available, which is obviously very attractive! Keep in mind, what some of the DeFi protocols are doing, is what THEY would normally look to do for their clients!

The Ecosystem is Extremely Participatory & Open

Adi Ben-Ari: There’s an accelerated path to innovation for those who can code — or even contribute in other ways, such as through building community— as anyone can come along and play around and try things.

It’s very interesting to see how the ecosystem and established players are assessing this, and how they’ll respond.

Mahmoud Deghaim: The ecosystem is thriving and growing exponentially — particularly within the MENA region, due to regulators trying to facilitate Blockchain-based innovations; Smart Cities, Smart Governments, and so on — as opposed to limit progress. So that’s very much lying at the heart of this expansion, and is a powerful driver of progress.

The regulatory environment is open and attractive, as opposed to being restrictive. Comparing this to Europe and USA, it may not be quite as developed yet — but the pace is very satisfactory!

The MENA regions adoption of Crypto/Blockchain technologies is the cause for more than a little excitement - especially as we see more policies that enable further and further innovation!

The Democratisation of Finance, FinTech &DeFi IS Happening

Oleg Giberstein: Yet it’s an incredibly participatory ecosystem, but yes we also need to do better about getting the power of DeFi into the hands of those that need it!

That said, anyone can jump in and help/contribute without capital or even coding knowledge.

Adi Ben-Ari: Exactly — now, anyone with even a dollar can become a market maker, anyone can play around with these systems directly!

3–5 Year Ecosystem Predictions; a VERY Different Landscape

Adi Ben-Ari: There WILL be consolidation over time, a smaller number of platforms that will be very successful — plus pools and pots of funds that will be very powerful. So, while of course there will be some major winners, it’s certainly a lot more open and accessible than what we have today.

Mahmoud Deghaim: I’m really interested in how web3 is redefining identity, and how that identity and data can be tokenised to create a new asset classes and ecosystems that can truly benefit consumers. Monetising data and models and systems that wouldn’t ordinarily be able to empower people.

Oleg Giberstein: 3–5 years is too short even for predictions [the panel here all agreed] but the world we’re moving into could look very different and that’s the exciting thing!

We could be going into a space in the future where the users might not even care what chain/chains they’re leveraging, but that the infrastructure is almost taken for granted; empowering them to achieve outcomes not previously possible!

What else should people look out for from the Panelists?

Adi Ben-Ari: Applied Blockchain is a team of 70 who can help anyone coming in who wants to plug into the Blockchain ecosystem — check out SilentData, and connect with Adi Ben-Ari below:

Oleg Giberstein: Coinrule helps make automated Crypto trading easy — they’re now recruiting (a lot of) developers at the moment, so do get in touch. They’re also very proud that their users have been able to use their trading strategies — even in a down market — successfully! Get in contact with Oleg and CoinRule here:

Mahmoud Deghaim: Anyone who wants to learn more about Oasis/Parcel — and the work Castlise is doing around secure training spaces for data such as MedTech/AI, do get in touch:

and last, but not least!

Find out about the MetaMind Blockchain Accelerator — how we find & fund the next generation Blockchain entrepreneurs, esp. in privacy/security, data & DeFi here:

We’re providing intensive workshops & mentor support, up to $20K USD ROSE token grants — and a potential share of $3M direct investment into the selected companies!

We’re currently taking applications for our inaugural cohort — make sure to register your interest/apply below:

Oasis — MetaMind Blockchain Accelerator: Application Form

