Oasis Labs Partners with Google Cloud to Pioneer Differential Privacy in Data Analytics and AI

The Oasis Labs Team
3 min readMay 30, 2024

Oasis Labs, a leader in privacy computing technology, is proud to announce the launch of its cutting-edge privacy-preserving data analytics product, Oasis PrivateSQL, on Google Cloud Marketplace. PrivateSQL employs state-of-art differential privacy technology to enable the responsible use of sensitive data in AI and analytics, empowering organizations to harness the full potential of their data, derive actionable insights and make smarter decisions without compromising the privacy of individuals.

In the era of AI, where vast amounts of data fuel the development and advancement of AI systems, protecting individual privacy while still being able to extract insights from data is paramount. By introducing carefully calibrated noise into the results of statistical queries, differential privacy provides mathematical guarantees that the outputs of an analysis do not leak sensitive information about individuals. This allows organizations to extract valuable insights and perform advanced analytics while maintaining the privacy of individuals represented in the data.

Oasis PrivateSQL utilizes state-of-art differential privacy technology to automatically generate privacy-preserving versions of aggregate statistical queries on a wide array of SQL databases, balancing individual privacy with data utility. Queries are rewritten automatically to embed different privacy mechanisms and run directly on the database just like the original query, ensuring analysts can maintain their existing workflows without change. Designed for easy deployment, PrivateSQL allows the data to remain in existing cloud databases without any modifications to the database, tables, or schemas, and it imposes no requirement to anonymize or redact the data being shared. With PrivateSQL, organizations can confidently use data in a privacy-preserving way to collaborate both among internal teams and with external partners, unlocking new insights and revenue opportunities while maintaining compliance with prevailing privacy regulations.

“Oasis Labs’ mission is to empower organizations to unlock the potential of their data without sacrificing the privacy of individuals,” said Prof. Dawn Song, Founder of Oasis Labs. “With the launch of PrivateSQL on Google Cloud, we are making it easier than ever for businesses to achieve this balance at scale.”

“Working closely with Oasis Labs has allowed OSF Innovation to pioneer new approaches to data privacy in healthcare,” said John Vozenilek, MD, Chief Medical Officer, VP for Innovation and Digital Health at OSF HealthCare, and Duane and Mary Cullinan Professor at University of Illinois. “Differential privacy technology is a cornerstone of our joint effort to responsibly use patient data and improve outcomes for patients everywhere.”

How to Get Started:

Getting started with Oasis PrivateSQL on Google Cloud Marketplace is easy. Simply visit our listing here, or click here for instructions on how to use PrivateSQL on Google Cloud or contact us to request a demo.

About Oasis Labs:

Oasis Labs develops cutting-edge privacy technologies that empower organizations to unlock the full potential of their data for both AI and analytics, while protecting the privacy of individuals and maintaining compliance with privacy regulations. Oasis aims to develop innovative technologies that pave the way for a responsible data economy.

