Can Varicose Veins Become Dangerous?

Oasis Vein and Vitality
3 min readNov 6, 2022


Varicose veins are undesirable veins that swell up mainly on the back of the legs, ankle, and feet. They are twisted blood vessels that swell under the surface of the skin.

Besides, varicose veins usually appear blue or purple and resemble spider veins. Spider veins may surround this type of venous condition. They bulge less and appear in smaller purple or red lines.

Varicose veins are a common condition during pregnancy. It may not often cause pain, but there will be discomfort in standing. In some cases, serious varicose veins may lead to several health complications, including blood clots. Hence, it is better not to avoid getting treatment. The effective treatment of this disease is possible at health care centers as you can treat them with injections, surgery, and laser therapy.

What Causes Varicose Veins?

The main cause of the appearance of veins is the rise of the blood pressure in the veins. Plus, when the heart valves become weak or deteriorate, blood comes back and begins to pool in the veins. This causes them to look twisted and swollen. Apart from this, other causes attributed to varicose veins include:

● Hormonal imbalance

● Sitting or Standing for a prolonged period

● Heavyweight or obesity

● Restrictive clothing

● Pregnancy

● Aging

What are the common symptoms of varicose veins?

Varicose veins may show different symptoms in each individual. However, there are a few common ones as well.

Discoloration: The color of the veins may appear red, purple, or bluish.

Discomfort: Even though everyone does not feel the pain caused by varicose veins, itching, burning, throbbing, and certain discomfort due to muscle cramping around the legs are common.

Swollen Veins: There will be visibly bulging out of discolored veins.

Severe Pain: Sitting or standing for a long time can worsen the pain

How to manage varicose veins?

Most varicose veins affected patients get relief from their symptoms by using leg elevations, long-term compression stockings, and oral painkillers. Compression stockings also help to increase circulation. However, excessively bulged veins may need surgery, especially in case of bleeding and ulcers.

Why is varicose veins treatment important?

As already mentioned, varicose veins are a very common condition that may move to various stages. The patient can feel cramps and dragging pain, web-like twisted veins, discolored skin, and fatigue due to blood pooling in the legs, ankles, and feet.

So, it should not be treated only for cosmetic reasons but also to improve blood circulation and overall health. Moreover, viscose veins can lead to several serious problems and affect the quality of life.

1. Ulcers: When left untreated, viscose veins can gradually increase and result in painful ulcers, especially near the ankles. A discolored spot is an indication of the need for immediate medical care.

2. Blood clots: Blood clots may occur due to the deposition of it near-bulged veins. This painful condition is known as thrombophlebitis, which needs prompt medical attention.

3. Bleeding: Also, minor bleeding from viscose veins due to swelling may happen. This is because of the bursting of enlarged and swollen veins. In such a condition, immediate medical care is necessary to prevent bleeding.

Varicose veins occur when the valves swell up and fail to transmit blood. In order to prevent varicose veins from turning into something severe, appropriate treatment is necessary. Compression stocking therapy is one of the most common ways of treating this condition. But, if veins are excessively swollen, it may require surgical removal to avoid blood clots and other health problems. At , you will get safe and proven treatments that will have little or no impact on your daily routine. The experienced team of health professionals is here to offer patient-centric techniques to cure in a comfortable setting.



Oasis Vein and Vitality

At OASIS VEIN and VITALITY, we use state of the art techniques to diagnose and treat venous disease. Our treatment options are proven to be safe.