My Manifesto

Obadeyi Oluseye
3 min readMar 6, 2018


From the photoshop folder on my laptop.

The campaign period is here for the Student Representative Council (SRC) at the ALC Mauritius campus.

To assist you in understanding what I stand for during this election (though I run unopposed), I will like to share my manifesto with you.

Why? This is to get your feedback, advise and or comments as to what you think can be done or that I have missed in the manifesto.

Looking forward to working with you all (ALC Students) as we build this institution together. Below is my manifesto :)

Also found in a folder on my laptop

Hi, I’m Obadeyi Oluseye, a third-year business management student and I would love to be your Academic Affairs Committee Head (AACH). Some of you might know me as business management class representative where thanks to all my classmates and their feedback, we were able to help the school deliver the business management module in a better way to the coming class. I have had a great time so far serving as a class rep and will endeavor to bring all the valuable experience already gained as a class representative and channel it into this AACH role.

Before you read my manifesto, I would like to tell you why I’m running for Academic Affairs Committee Head.

This role is actually all about YOU, your education and your welfare. I hope to represent students on matters relating directly to students’ education like teaching quality, library provision and feedback. However, I know that sometimes we all need advice, support, and a listening ear. For me balancing the need for academic success with happiness, health and support are extremely important and determines your university experience as a whole. My aim is to ensure that every student has access to whatever support they need in order to make their time at ALU as wonderful as possible.

I aim to provide a direct link between you, the SRC and the university’s Academic Team. If there is something that you want to see improved that doesn’t appear on this manifesto, get in touch, as I want to represent YOU!

If elected as AAC Head, I intend to:

Be Approachable, Clear and Representative.

My Policies include:



  1. A pre-university transition scheme,
  2. Pre-exam workshops,
  3. Student review of class,
  4. Class rep system,
  5. Hard Skills Workshop
  6. Mental Health/Wellbeing Specialist System for Students
  7. Training on mental health for general staff members (so that they can understand what it means to them and the students),
  8. and a ‘Rate my Module’ page


  1. Early notification of results for all students especially to those who may have resists and that academic advisors are assigned to all degree programmes.
  2. Return of Exam scripts and Provision of examples of first class and third class exam answers.
  3. That I work with departments to provide more support for study abroad students (both ALC students and International study abroad students).


  1. The support service for disabled students, speed up the process of applying for support and ensure the staffs are implementing Reasonable Adjustments.


  • Ensure that there are study spaces on campus and ensure that current spaces are optimized for working/studying.
  • Ensure that facilities for learning are provided, well accessible and efficient which includes, but is not limited to: a proper library with module textbooks and more time to access the books at the library and good internet bandwidth for all students.


  • Lobbying to bring Lynda or Harvard HBX back.

I am passionate about ALU and would be honored and privileged to serve you in the year ahead.

Vote Obadeyi Oluseye Agbolade for Academic Affairs Committee Head (AACH).

