PinnedWHY YOU SHOULD NOT GIVE HONEY TO BABIESIt is recommended to avoid giving babies honey in any form before their first birthday. This is because honey may contain Clostridium…Jan 11, 2023Jan 11, 2023
THE COMMONEST STIWhen most people hear about STIs, they think of HIV/AIDS, Gonorrhoea and other common STIs. Most people do not even know about the most…Jan 9, 2023Jan 9, 2023
SYMBOLS OF MODERN MEDICINE Generally, different cultures have different symbols that depict…The Rod of AsclepiusMar 6, 2022Mar 6, 2022
THE GOD OF MEDICINEAscelpius is known as the Greco-Roman god of medicine and the healing arts. Unlike most other deities in the Greek pantheon, most…Mar 6, 20223Mar 6, 20223