3 min readFeb 14, 2024

Lilith’s Eden Zero. Forbidden Knowledge.

Neon dust swirled around Lilith’s ankles as she strutted down the chrome-plated alleyway. Her raven hair, woven with constellations, shimmered, and her iridescent wings twitched like butterfly wings under a city moon. This wasn’t the Eden she remembered, not this cyberpunk sprawl of New Babylon. Millennia ago, she had walked hand-in-hand with Adam, queen of a paradise teeming with life. Now, the air reeked of synthetic flowers and exhaust fumes, humanity choked by its own progress.

She stopped before a flickering holographic sign: "Lilith’s Eden - Forbidden Knowledge." Pushing through the shimmering curtain, she entered a cacophony of voices and neon. Glitching serpent-demons hawked illegal tech, cybernetic angels debated philosophy, and humans, augmented with glowing implants, mingled with otherworldly visitors. They all watched her, whispers rippling through the crowd.

A towering figure approached, his metallic exoskeleton gleaming. "Lilith," he rumbled, voice distorted by voice modifiers. "The rumors were true."

This was Azazel, the fallen angel, her old adversary. He gestured to a secluded booth, holographic flames flickering on the table. "We have much to discuss."

Hesitantly, Lilith joined him. The tension stretched taut between them, charged with ancient history.

"The Garden is no more," Azazel said, his gaze fixed on the flickering flames. "Humanity built their own eden, and as usual, corrupted it."

Lilith frowned. "And why do you tell me this?"

"They seek a new power," Azazel revealed, his voice dropping to a whisper. "They seek not only the colossal power of the Behemoth, but also the power of both the Orphanim and Leviathan. They wish to disvover the secret of the creation of life."A cold thrill ran down Lilith's spine. She, too, had sensed it: a tremor in the fabric of reality, a power awakening. "And what do they intend to do with it?"

Azazel leaned in, eyes glowing ominously. "They aim to reshape the world, Lilith. But such power can easily bend, break. We need… your guidance."

Lilith scoffed. "You dare summon me? Knowing fully well that I could obliterate you in an instant?"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," Azazel countered. "Together, we can prevent this power from falling into the wrong hands, perhaps guide it towards a better path."

Silence descended, broken only by the hum of the city. Lilith looked around at the motley crew, each seeking their own piece of the forbidden pie. Could she trust Azazel, her eternal rival? Could she trust anyone?

Yet, the thought of this power unleashed… a shiver ran down her spine. Perhaps, just perhaps, even a forgotten goddess could still play a role in this new Eden. With a slow smile, she met Azazel’s gaze.

"Very well," she said, her voice echoing in the neon-drenched room. "Eden- Zero will be saved. Let us see what chaos we can prevent."

The eternal game commenced once again. The Pleiadies would reincarnate, and the world would be reweaved one more time.

By Keren Obara.


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