Discovering Raw Chicken Feet: The Superior Frozen Dog Food Alternative

5 min readJun 23, 2024


Raw chicken feet are becoming popular as a healthful supplement to a dog’s diet. They are high in glucosamine, chondroitin, and protein, which are all beneficial to joint health and muscle development. Dogs can safely eat chicken feet, which include minerals that enhance general health. They are a handy and wholesome snack or dinner alternative for your dog friend when cooked and frozen correctly.

Raw Chicken Foot Nutritional Advantages

Dogs can benefit nutritionally from raw chicken feet in a few different ways. Naturally occurring collagen in them helps to lubricate and move joints. Chicken foot cartilage promotes chewing and reduces plaque formation, which is beneficial to oral health. Chicken feet include vitamins and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, which strengthen bones and teeth. Including raw chicken feet in your dog’s food can help him eat a more balanced and nutritious diet.

Why Frozen Dog Food?

Over dry kibble or canned food, frozen dog food — including raw chicken feet — offers several advantages. Raw ingredients are kept nutritionally intact and their vitamins and enzymes are retained by freezing. Artificial preservatives, additives, and fillers — all of which are frequently present in commercial dog foods — are also not necessary with this preservation technique. For dogs whose stomachs are sensitive, frozen dog food is frequently more digestible. It can also enhance general health, including fewer allergies and better hair condition.

Preparation Hints and Safety Considerations

To avoid infection, raw chicken feet must be bought from reliable sources and handled and kept appropriately. Before giving your dog frozen chicken feet, thaw in the fridge or under cold water. For little breeds in particular, keep an eye on your dog while they eat chicken feet to avoid choking problems. If your dog has dietary limitations or health issues, especially, always check with your veterinarian before adding any new food to their diet.

Feeding Your Dog Raw Chicken Feet

You should start adding raw chicken feet to your dog’s diet little by bit. To help your dog become used to the new food, start with little amounts. As you monitor for their reaction, look for any indications of allergies or stomach problems. Feeding chicken feet as occasional treats or combining them with other raw meats and vegetables might make them part of meals. To guarantee your dog gets adequate nourishment, vary the amount according to their size, age, and degree of activity.

Misconceptions Frequently Held About Raw Dog Food

Misconceptions about microorganisms and nutritional imbalance are among the many about raw dog food. Bacterial contamination is reduced by proper handling, reliable supplier procurement, and adherence to hygiene standards. Many protein sources plus the addition of fruits, vegetables, and essential oils can help to establish nutritional balance. Raw foods help many dogs flourish, enhancing their energy, digestion, and coat condition.

Dogs’ Benefits from a Raw Food Diet

A diet high in raw foods has many advantages that improve your dog’s general health and wellbeing. Improved digestion and nutrition absorption are promoted, as is a stronger immune system and fewer allergies. Raw diet dogs frequently have better teeth, skin and coat, and more energy. Additionally helping with hydration is the diet’s high moisture content. Owners of dogs with certain health problems, such obesity or joint problems, may discover that a raw food diet effectively controls these illnesses.

Raw Chicken Feet: An All-Natural Dental Remedy

For dogs, raw chicken feet are a natural dental chew that helps to maintain oral health by lowering plaque and tartar accumulation. Chewing on chicken feet naturally clean teeth, improve jaw muscles, and massage the gums. By giving dogs mental stimulation and enjoyment, this chewing movement can also help to relieve boredom and anxiety. Your dog’s diet should include raw chicken feet since it improves their dental hygiene and over time results in healthier teeth and cleaner breath.

Picky Eaters’ Variety and Palatability

Raw chicken feet are a tasty option that might pique the interest of finicky eaters or dogs with refined palates. Dogs frequently find chicken feet to be irresistibly tasty treats or meal additions because of their crispy texture and natural flavors. Incorporating dietary variety into your dog’s routine will keep them from getting bored at mealtimes and will encourage them to eat more regularly. Even the pickiest eaters can be won over to the unusual sensory experience of raw chicken feet, which guarantees they get vital nutrients without any hassle.

Ethics and the Environment

Ethical and environmental principles can be supported by feeding your dog raw chicken feet. Using chicken parts that could otherwise be thrown away promotes environmentally friendly food production methods. You help to cut down on food waste and encourage resource efficiency by feeding your dog raw chicken feet. Finding raw chicken feet from reliable vendors who value moral agricultural methods also guarantees that the food your pet eats is of superior quality and responsibly obtained.

Safely Switching to a Raw Diet

You should gradually and with the advice of a veterinarian switch your dog to a raw diet that includes things like chicken feet. To give their stomachs time to adjust, start by adding tiny amounts of raw chicken feet to their present meal. Look out for any indications of allergies or stomach problems in their reaction. As your dog adjusts to his new diet, gradually increase the amount of raw food. This progressive strategy guarantees a seamless switch to a diet that is biologically appropriate and reduces the possibility of gastrointestinal problems.

See Your Veterinarian for Consultation

See your veterinarian before introducing raw chicken feet or any other major dietary changes to your dog. Depending on your dog’s age, health, and particular nutritional requirements, they can offer tailored advise. To guarantee your pet’s balanced nutrition and greatest health, veterinarians can also suggest the best frozen dog food and suitable amounts of raw chicken feet. Their knowledge will enable you to decide wisely whether to feed raw and will allay any worries you may have about safely and successfully switching to a raw diet.


Finally, raw chicken feet from Obey The Paw are a wonderful frozen dog food alternative that promotes health and vitality in your canine buddy. Raw chicken feet are a healthy and natural supplement for your dog’s diet because they are rich in nutrients that are important for his joints, teeth, and general health. A healthy and convenient alternative to manufactured dog foods, frozen food can be enjoyed by dogs with the right handling and preparation. To provide your dog the advantages of a healthy, naturally occurring diet, think about adding raw chicken feet to his regular meals. Obey The Paw provides superior quality frozen dog food items that focus your dog’s health and happiness.

