Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi

Health and Fitness

6 stories

Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi


86 stories

Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi

Personal Development

39 stories

If you’re feeling like you’re not reaching your potential, you should listen to this Bill Gates advice.
Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi


40 stories

Various tools
Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi


3 stories

A Vaudeville dancer on an old-fashioned stage, caught mid-dance-step, standing in front of a Patreon logo.. His pockets bulge with cash. He has been decapitated and blood fountains from the stump of his neck. His decapitated, bloody head lies in a pool of blood on the stage next to him. Over the stump of his neck is an original six-color Apple logo, modified so that the ‘bite’ is actually a bloody, fang-filled mouth. The scene is surmounted by the Apple ‘Think different’ wordmark.
Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi


26 stories

Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi

Developer Tools

19 stories

Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi


40 stories

Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi


2 stories

Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi


3 stories

Banner showing the Angular brand over a black background with 45 degree lines with a gradient.
Angular 10 Authentication Form Example
Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi

Mobile Development

1 story

A graphic showing that under the new terms <1% of developers would get f*cked
Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi


1 story

Zyhdi Munisi

Zyhdi Munisi


1 story