Search Terms And Their Contribution In SEO Rankings

3 min readDec 18, 2021


As you can understand from the title, search terms are those words or phrases that the user enters into the search engine to check out what they are looking for. Also known as search queries, the search terms can either be a single word such as ‘project’ or a combination of words that make up a phrase like ‘project managers near me.’ In addition, these search terms can be as long as a sentence, like ‘how to hire project managers near me?’

Since the search intent of each user is different, the search terms generated by them will also vary. So, five people may be using different search terms to look for the same product or service. Therefore, it can be rightly said that search terms are essential for better search engine optimization ranking. To learn how to direct the correct search terms towards a prominent SEO ranking, first, you should join the best SEO course online.

Search terms vs keywords

Often, you may consider search terms and the keywords as synonymous. However, there is a slight difference between the two. A search term is what the user types to find out the piece of information that he is looking for. On the other hand, a keyword is a word or a phrase that has been indexed in the search engine. The purpose of search engines is to crawl on the web pages, locate the objective of those pages, and then index them according to the keywords identified on those pages.

How important are search terms for search engines?

Given below are how search terms can contribute positively to search engine optimization and the ranking of a page:

  • Guide users

The primary purpose of a search engine is to assist the user and help him find the piece of information he is looking for. To meet this purpose, search engines use the autocomplete function to help the users find the perfect information to match their intent. Besides, another purpose of this auto-complete search engine function is to look for related keywords and search engines. Therefore, the SERP will provide you with a closely similar result to the one that has been the most searched search term so far.

  • Conduct advanced searches

To help provide a backup to the advanced search features of the search engines, the search terms are essential. If required, users can omit a few words from the search results to let there be blank spaces in the search queries. Also, this will help them to pay attention to a few results from the specific domains or search queries. Although most users do not follow this technique, if the advanced users are up for relevant results, this will undoubtedly help them.

  • Promote search engine advertising

One of the fundamental reasons for the importance of search terms is search engine advertising. The user’s keyword in the search box can direct him to the SERPs that cater to ads. Therefore, the more you look for the most searched term, the more is access does the target audience gain from these ads. Since advertisers are aware of this trick, they choose the most specific keywords to target the ads to their customers.

  • Search engine optimization

Optimizing the content for all the particular search terms are essential as it will help you to cater to your niche audience who concern your industry. This will significantly bring a positive impact on your website. When the search engines are ranking your website, they take a close look at the search terms or the questions that your customers have and the divide the into various possible keywords.


So, as you can understand now, there is much more to search terms than one can assess from it. If you want to see your website holding a good ranking in the search engine results, dive into the intent of the users and optimize search terms.

