How Obizcoin BOT can help your Business Grow?

Obizcoin ICO
3 min readJan 17, 2018


Whenever a customer places an order at the online channel of any retail enterprise, he expects the timely delivery of his order. But that’s only the front stage. Behind the scenes, a retail enterprise has to run a series of seamless operations and activities involving multiple business processes to ensure that the right product reaches the right customer at the right time under the right conditions, every single time. The efficiency and effectiveness of the business processes of an organization have a positive correlation with its ability to create and sustain customer delight and customer satisfaction. The quality of the business processes of an organization may also have a strong bearing on its employee satisfaction, competitiveness and vendor management.

Thus, it is very important for businesses to achieve and maintain excellence in business process management. It is even more important for the startups and SMEs to establish the foundation of robust business processes from the early stages of their formation and growth.

Obizcoin is developing a Smart Process BOT (currently in development stage) with two cutting-edge technologies — Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology. The BOT will be capable of developing and improvising business processes, monitoring and reviewing of team performance and building operational health scorecard of an organization.

How Obizcoin BOT can help in faster execution of business processes

BOT Domain Expertise

Through Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology, Obizcoin Smart Process BOT will be equipped with the domain expertise/domain knowledge of specific businesses.

This shall help business enterprises in cutting down on the time required for research and development and also in speeding up the turn around time from development to sales.

Business Process Management

In tune with its domain knowledge and best industry practices, the BOT will have inbuilt processes designed for different departments (Marketing, Purchase, HR etc) for organizations of different sizes (startups and SMEs) for different industries (E-commerce, Education, Apparel etc).

These processes will be customizable according to the strategic and operational requirements of a business enterprise. The BOT will not only be capable of developing the processes but will also be helpful in implementing them.

Going manually, developing business processes and SOPs can be a painstakingly long process in itself.

BOT Smart Contracts

The Obizcoin Smart Process BOT shall be capable of preparing and executing smart contracts.

Automation through Smart Contracts will help business enterprises save time on the repetitive and definite tasks with predefined terms and conditions of performance and output involved in various contracts and agreements which business enterprises enter into to establish the working relationships with different entities like employees, suppliers etc within and beyond the organization.

Analysis and Insight

There’s no dearth of software applications for business process management. But still the process of data collection (from various business software applications used by an organization), data analysis and finding solutions remains to be a slow and tedious one.

Obizcoin BOT will be capable of building the operational health scorecard of an organization. The BOT will also be able to analyze the reports and present suitable solutions.

Striking the right balance between manual processes and technology has become a necessity for business enterprises to remain competitive and efficient in the present day business environment.

Obizcoin Smart Process BOT will be backed by two of the most advanced technologies — Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology to help organizations develop and improvise their business processes with the broader goal of augmenting their process excellence quotient.

To read read more article related to this topic: Managing Business Efficiently using Smart Process BOT, Obizcoins’ Technology: A boon to startup community, Obizcoin will revolutionize the way of doing business!, How Obizcoin’s Smart Process BOT will Make Businesses Transparent & Secure?,Disruption: New way to gain competitive edge.

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Obizcoin ICO

“Smart Process BOT” developed on Blockchain & AI Technology