How my Dev Journey started

Obodo David
3 min readNov 15, 2019


Hello! So I was thinking, what should be the central topic for my first medium article? I can say that with the exposure I have gotten recently, a lot really crossed my mind. After much ado, I finally concluded that the best place to tell a story from is the beginning (C’mon, who even tells stories from the end?). Oh wait! Sometimes the stories that begin from the end, are actually more interesting because readers are made to anticipate more and wonder what led to the present. Nevertheless, I will stick with the beginning cause I feel like. J

Coding for me was never my first love, not even fifth love; I just enjoyed the world while others were coding, but then life happened. Hmm that phrase (Life happened) is always used in the negative sense but not for me. For me this was a good case of life happening, let me tell you why. I am a citizen of Nigeria and our academic sector is still growing, hence there are a lot of hiccups. One of the products of these hiccups is a periodic strike by our academic and non-academic staff. As it were, I had finished my final exams and just as we were about to graduate a strike was declared. Damn, you can imagine! Unknowingly, this strike was going to last for close to five months thereby halting every academic activity and as a result, my graduation.

I do not know why, but for some reason which I thank God for, I decided to use this free strike time I had to start learning to code. Yeah, that’s how it began; it was just a boredom extractor. This was around the end of October 2018.Since it wasn’t something major, I devoted just one hour to it everyday; pretty consistent right? Yeah that’s how I roll. As I continued in the journey, the first thing that really stimulated my interest was the amount of money I heard that my classmates were making from it. Trust me, I am one who likes my independence, so I was going to welcome any chance to start making my own money, and hence have some more freedom to make my own decisions since that comes with making my own money. I continued being consistent with my daily 2 hours of coding, and that was just enough. All this while I was in Benin, Edo state in the country.

After a little while I decided to take a little break and go back home to just plan out what the rest of my life would be like. Unknown to me, this was what was going to seal the deal for my everlasting interest in coding. I got home July 1st 2019, and my plan was to stay home for that whole month. During this period, my communication with one of my mentors Teenomediumh, greatly increased as he started giving me materials and tasks to try my hands on. With time, I discovered I had this passion for solving challenges; I almost could not sleep if I had not solved a problem, and solvng a problem for me was like heaven. This made me realize that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

I decided to make more enquiries on how quickly I could get a job depending on my skill set and I was so glad about the response I got. With that, I increased my coding time in a day and set out to achieve more. I have been consistent up to this point, devoting 9 hours of my day to thinking, reading and writing code and definitely it has paid off.

