My thoughts on curbing a horrible boss

Obodo David
2 min readMar 28, 2022


Everyones talking about horrible bosses and their experience with them. I have had my own share of a horrible boss and I can say vehemently that its not pretty, but I have also learnt there are certain ways to “curb” a horrible boss, so thought to share. Wouldn’t give you a list of 10 things, because then it would be easy to forget them, so would just give you 3:

  1. Be mindful of the message you send during your initial period of encounter. Initial period of encounter can span from interview stage right up to 6 months of you being in the job. During this period you have to consciously set boundaries. Unfortunately most times, due to the fact that we want to show our employer that we are loyal, we start doing certain things that make them feel that we are at their beck and call. Like working during odd hours, Not speaking up when something is clearly wrong.
  2. Try to have some money elsewhere. Most often than not, people endure horrible bosses cause they do not have any other option, and trust me your boss can clearly see from your actions when that you don’t.
  3. Increase your value. Not matter how horrible a boss is, there’s a point you get to that the value you add is so much such that they have no choice than to give you the respect you deserve

All in all, Knowing your value and worth is the best way to curb horrible bosses, because when you do so you would effortlessly do the things I have mentioned above and more with ease just like “Harvey Specter from SUITS” (Man knew his value to the core)

