10 Best Gym Workouts for Rapid Weight Loss

6 min readOct 15, 2021

You may wonder what would be the best workout routine at the gym to shed off the excess weight! Well, if you are up to the routine I have highlighted some of the 10 best gym workouts for rapid weight loss that you should consider taking in this post.

Gym Workouts for Rapid Weight Loss

Do Gym Workouts help in Weight Loss?

With your mind set on losing the excess weight you don’t need and still keep fit, definitely the gym exercises will help you a lot in achieving that. Just stick to that daily ‘getting sweaty’ routine at the gym and you will ton your muscles as well as losing weight and hitting a new PR.

At first the workouts may seem kind of difficulty to deal with, but don’t give up within the first few days you need to maintain a solid exercise regimen at the gym.

Tips for best workouts for weight loss Results

— Adopting healthy eating habits; additionally, make the gym workouts as part of your weight loss journey since it helps a lot to include weight loss plans in it. Because to lose that excess weight and body fat entails a lot, for instance, adopting healthy eating habits and creating a calories deficit by eating less and using more of the same at the gym.

— Similarly you need to keep your lifestyle habits in check, for example, handle your sleep and stress patterns correctly, on top of checking your overall health status. Then put those muscles at work in the gym, but, remember that you need to understand that weight loss from workouts differs from one person to another; it doesn’t work the same for everyone!

4 Key Things You Should Consider Before Starting Gym Workouts For Weight Loss?

Source; Rapid Weight Loss Gym Workouts

There some things you need to consider before you hit the gym to shed off those excess body pounds. They include;

· Checking your eating habits-to reiterate on this you need to pay attention to your food choices! This is more important than hitting the gym for workout routines. it will ensure that your weight loss results stick.

· The workouts Routine should be maintained-by becoming a part of your weight loss routine in the most appropriate and meaningful way as possible. At least ensure you work out thrice per week as you start then increase it to more than five sessions once you get used to it. However, ensure you have enough rest to reset mentally, physically, and emotionally.

· Bring you’re A-game to each gym workout session-the push you give into the sessions should always be maintained at 100% all through. At the end of each session ask yourself if you have really done all or you should give more.

· Go for a trainer or workout routine that thrills you-because it will help a lot to stick to it and it’s more important than just losing your weight. The more you love your workout plan and sessions the more the likelihood you will stick to the same.

The 10 Best Workouts For Weight Loss To Go For

At first you may not be up to the whole idea and you don’t love it at all, but don’t give up at all, look for the best trainer or just make or break your workout objectives.

Source; Workouts for Rapid Weight Loss

Highlighted below are the 10 best gym workouts for weight loss you can embark on anytime you need it.

1) HIIT-High Intensity Interval Training

The most recommended training style by gym workout experts especially for weigh loss plans. It involves having hard workouts for a set period of time, followed by a rest, and then repeating the same hard routine again. This makes your heart beats spike and then slow down in a pattern; however, active rest is vital to achieve the best out of this routine.

You can achieve HIIT through;

Indoor cycling; for best cardio strength training through the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core. See the whole routine here.

2) Weight training

This technique makes the top weight-loss methods you can rely on and entails resistance training using your body weight only or with added weights. As you build up your muscle power you will also burn the excess calories and body fat. Similarly, it is a known fact that with more weight lifting there is a subsequent increase in your resting metabolic rate. Hence, your body burns more calories even when resting.

Just maintain a weight lifting routine at least thrice a week at the gym.

3) Boot Camp

To keep your body’s metabolism elevated you should consider a boot camp as your workout plan. Boot camp is basically a combination of two workout methods; interval and resistance. With some exercises, more so the cardio and strength-focused ones, full-out for short bursts of time, and combined with short rests.

However, consult your trainer if it’s your first boot camp to determine the best weights or workout intensity.

4) Boxing

As a part of interval boxing you should use your core to punch those bags and not only your arm strength. More importantly it enables you to use muscles that are often forgotten in most gym workouts.

5) Running

Get the dust off your running sneaker and hit that track or trail! The best way to lose weight from running is by sprinting uphill or cranking the incline on the gym treadmills. Uphill will help you to work out your glute and leg muscles which will use a lot of energy and more of calories burning.

Still remember that, as you run, stop to drive you knees as high as possible and striking the balls of your feet down directly under your body. The arms and hands should be kept open and at right angles as you do this. Move your arms in a straight line to your face level then back to the top of your back pockets. Also, don’t let your arms to cross over your body at all to reduce energy wastage.

Other 5 best Workouts You Can Try for Weight Loss at the Gym

Rope Jumping for Rapid Weight Loss

Besides the above-mentioned workouts you can still go ahead and include the following into your gym weight loss plan;

· CrossFit Workouts,

· Tabata high-intensity interval training,

· Yoga sessions for added flexibility and overall body health,

· Swimming,

· And jumping rope.


For your workouts to help you lose the excess weight, it is vital to stick to the plan without compromise. Enough said, it’s the high-time you got off that couch and get busy with a workout routine! Embrace that new wave of energy and healthy living today!


What gym routine should I follow to lose weight?

These workouts include jogging, bicycling, power walking, swimming, and aerobics. Start slow and gradually up the intensity as you adjust to your new routine. Aim for 60 minutes of low-intensity cardio five days a week. As you become more physically fit, carry hand weights while jogging, walking, or doing aerobics.

What exercise burns the most fat?

The bottom line. Running is the winner for most calories burned per hour. Stationary bicycling, jogging, and swimming are excellent options as well. HIIT exercises are also great for burning calories.

How long should I workout to lose weight?

If you want to lose weight, shoot for at least 200 minutes (more than three hours) a week of moderate intensity exercise with everything else consistent, says Church. If you cut calories and exercise, he says, you can get away with a minimum dose of 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) a week.

How many times a week should I workout to lose weight?

4 to 5 days per week

How much weight you lose depends on the amount of exercise you’re willing to commit to and how closely you stick to your diet. If you really want to see results reflected on the scale and continue to make progress over time, you need to commit to working out at least four to five days per week.




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