Jira — Clone an epic with all children

Ethan O'Brien
5 min readAug 31, 2023

If you’ve ever been a scrum master or managed a sprint team, one of the goals is to keep the team and stories as organized as possible. On my current team, when we create a new epic, we have a set of stories that will always be in the epic. Those stories include how we will A/B test, Splunk dashboards, technical discussion pages, test plans, etc. In Jira, there is no easy way to clone an epic with all the linked issues, until we leverage automation!

Create a new automation

To create a new automation within Jira, open an existing issue, and on the top right, open the “Actions” menu, then click “Manage automations”.

Add a new manual trigger event

In our sequence, a manual trigger is the simplest way to start.

Create manual trigger
Save a new manual trigger

Add a conditional check for an epic

To limit the types of issues, we can trigger this automation on, add a new conditional to check for a type of Epic.



Ethan O'Brien

Software engineering started as a career and now it's my passion. Helping the world through code is one of the most rewarding things.